Strange request

Lin Fan nodded before cupping his hands and saying, "Young master Mo, it really has been a long time."

Then both of them just sat there sipping their tea, but during this time, they also paid close attention to each other.

It was clear that they were currently sizing up the other side, trying to figure out what their intentions were.

It was clear why Lin Fan was sizing up the fourth prince, but as for the fourth prince…he was surprised that Lin Fan would actually meet him like this. He never expected Lin Fan to be this direct and just meet him all alone.

He was certain that there would be all kinds of excuses given to delay this meeting. Then he would come and meet him with plenty of other people to guard him because he would be suspicious of him.

But to his surprise, Lin Fan met with him without a single guard.

He didn't even put anyone in the vicinity just in case.

Was this confidence, or was this trust in the fourth prince?