Causing trouble

Xiao Ming naturally went to the one place that everyone was gathered since that was the best place to cause trouble.

She knew that the best way to cause trouble was in front of everyone.

That was why she led Huang Xie and Yu Huang to the main market of this Dragon Beard City.

Even though this was the main market of this city, that didn't mean that it was a big market in the first place. This was a small city that was on the edge of the Mu Empire after all, so it wasn't as if there were that many people that passed by this place to begin with.

The only reason that there was this market was because the nearby villages and towns needed a place to trade.

So there wasn't really much selection in this market.

It was just that there was nowhere else for the disciples of the sects to go while they were waiting for the Demon Slaying Conference to begin.