There was only silence that lingered in the air after the demonic creature fell to the ground like this.
The Kunlun Sect group could only look at the demonic creature with looks of shock and disbelief, as if they couldn't process what had happened. They didn't think that such a powerful creature that they carefully nourished would fall just like this.
But once they came back to their senses, they moved forward to check on the demonic creature.
However, they seemed to move slowly as they approached. It seemed that they were still afraid of it even though the demonic creature wasn't even moving as it laid there on the ground.
The Kunlun Sect group had felt that pressure coming from the demonic creature earlier when it first appeared, so they knew just how powerful it was. It only made sense that they were careful towards it since they were weaker than it.
But that didn't matter as the demonic creature was completely dead.