It turned out that Lin Fan was completely wrong about this.
Even if they didn't have the same foundational knowledge as him, that didn't mean that Yue Lan and Ming Xin were completely helpless when it came to learning about this UFO.
In fact, it seemed like they were adjusting better than he had when he tried to learn about everything.
Was it because they were a completely blank slate that they were able to connect things much easier than him?
Was it because he had that knowledge from his past life that he formed ideas about these things ahead of time, which were proven wrong in the end?
Perhaps having that foundational knowledge was actually harmful rather than helpful.
So even though Lin Fan tried to help, he was quickly told to be silent by Yue Lan and Ming Xin. He was even told to stand on the side so that he wouldn't bother them as they were learning about the UFO.