
His fierce stare made her run into her room and run back into the place where she was standing with the pistol that was hiding under her pillow, she was trembling in fear while he took another step closer to her.

Being afraid that it might be her end, she got on her knees to beg for her life. Even though she was a girl who had nothing to worry about she was afraid of death which she thought was nothing but loneliness, darkness and pain.

What are you planning to do with a pistol without bullets? He asked her.

Nothing master, it was a mistake. I didn't mean to put it in my room, she replied without looking into his eyes.

There was nothing but silence after she said those words, he just kept standing closely observing her who was kneeling in front of him.

"Look at me," he said, kneeling on the floor right in front of her. Shoot me! He said, handing her the gun that was in his pocket.

This will be the best chance for you to get rid of me, don't you think that you won't be getting into this much trouble if you weren't with my family and after all… you are the only person who knows about me, so if you kill me everything will stay as a secret.

No one will know anything, he said with a smile on his face.

Take the gun, right now! He talked at the top of his voice.

I can't dare to hurt you, and I didn't mean any harm by keeping it under my pillow. Believe me, young master, she said.

Take the gun and shoot me!

She took the gun and pointed it at him as if she was a professional hitwoman and kept holding the unstraight onto his head.

One bullet would send him to hell.

Did you really think that you could hide who you were from me? He grabbed the gun before she could fire it and pointed it straight onto her forehead.

I will be back in the afternoon, and I hope to have an answer for this but if you dare to run away I will hunt you down from where ever you are, he stepped out of the house leaving the door all open.

Not even the breeze was blowing to blow the temperature of the environment away, but one person was walking among the crowd wearing clothes that people who walk wouldn't normally wear. Everyone's eyes were on him and even his eyes were on the passer-byes greeting them wholeheartedly.

Master Aiden stop please, it was a familiar voice that made him stop and look back. It was his servant who was trying to kill him a moment ago all dressed in a red suit coming running at him with a black-tie flying in her right hand.

"Master, you forgot to wear the tie," she said, forcing a smile onto her face.

Ah, it seems like I did," she said, smiling among the crowd that was passing by.

The car is here master, you can get in," she said, bowing her head. There is a small briefing that I have to do, therefore please follow me to the car.

The sure thing is why not," he said with an evil smile on his face.

A car was waiting by the road, one of the cars that everyone dreamed of having. There were only those cars in the whole country. She opened the door to her and waited until he took his seat and slowly closed the door and got onto the driving seat.

Master, please turn towards my side, let me tie the tie for you, she said not daring to look into his eyes. He turned towards her as if nothing had happened and let her tie his tie.

She stepped on the accelerator driving the car at the maximum speed anyone would dare to drive in the town, but all of her efforts were to save him from the trouble that he was going to get at.

I will start the briefing now.

I hope you are aware of the businesses that your company is handling at the moment, therefore I will move straight into the briefing of the executive board members that you are unaware of.

Chairperson: Barron Pheonix

Vice-chairperson: Garry Pheonix, the person who is currently in the position, is his 2nd son, who is well known for assaulting subordinates and employees over and over again, not to mention a few sexual assaulting cases in the last year.

The rest of the Executive Board members are representatives from ABC company, X company and C Pharmaceuticals.

Is there anything else that you would like to know?

Let's start by sending my dear cousin to his grave, he said with a smile. I hope that you can help me with it.

She was stunned by what he just said, she wanted to step on the breaks and run away from the car but at the same time, she was surprised. It was the first time he asked her to help with his missions.

It was not a mission but a murder.

She nodded her head to agree since she had no other choice.

"It's a nice choice," he said, adjusting his hair.

I want you to stay by my side from the moment we enter the company you are not allowed to leave me even for a single second. "If you decide to come then endure this as well, he said.

I will, there is no need to worry about that.

Her facial expressions started to change as someone continued to speak to her through the earbuds.

Master, we have received information on an attack, the preparator is not yet known and the same goes for the casualties, the only thing that I am aware of up to this point is that someone is keeping the executive board hostage and I was advised to take you to "Hotel 101 and keep you safe there.

May I proceed with the request?

Take me to work. Let's see how they will act when they see me.

Yes master, I will do as you please.