Even His Life is a Mystery

She was too scared to defy his decision but that the same time she had no choice but to take him to a medical personnel, if he was to lose his leg or life she would be the one to first get killed by his grandfather.

She called the Hospital in advance and got everything ready for him soo that there would be no chance for anything to go wrong, she was shaking all over amidst the fact that she used to be a former assassin, she was shaking as if she was the next one to collapse.

The hospital staff was at the entrance, waiting for their arrival as soon as she arrived they opened the car, took him out and rushed him into the hospital, she had no chance to think about where and how to park the car, she left the key with the guard who was at the door and ran inside in the speed of light to talk to the doctors hoping to listen to the words, "don't worry he will be alright, its nothing serious"

But instead, one of the doctors stopped her and looked at her with eyes full of horror.

"Doctor is something wrong?" She asked him like a mad person.

"This might be something serious and not serious at the moment, considering his physique there is no way that he collapsed because of the blood loss, it is probably because his bone was harmed by the bullet, our doctors are doing everything we can.

May I talk to his family?"

"I am his guardian, you can talk to me," she said almost crying.

"Then it's alright, please fill out the information so that we can get him hospitalized."

"Okay doctor, then please do everything you can," she bowed 90 degrees, which even surprised the doctor.

She ran to the information desk and asked for the registration form. "Miss what type of a room would you like, they asked.

The best one you have, and the fact that this person is in the hospital must be kept a secret until further notice, she said trying to catch her breath."

"Yes mam, we will call the hospital administration for you, please fill this form out with the patient's personal details."

"Can we skip this?" She asked.

"No mam according to the hospital policy you have to fill out the information!"

"Call the Hospital administration or one of your directors and tell them that someone from the Pheonix group is here!"

One of the picked up the phone and called someone, after putting the receiver down, she bowed her head to Adrienne and kindly asked her to wait for a moment.

Not just one, but the whole hospital administration group came rushing, one of them who was dressed finely stepped to the front and with a bright smile on his face asked, "Mam, how can I help you?"

Adrienne went to him and without shouting it out loud whispered it into his year.

"Okay mam I understand, but since I can defy the hospital policy can you at least put your information but instead of the medical information put his real ones, that's all you have to do.

We will assist you with the rest of the work, and for now, I think it would be better if you rest a little otherwise it will not only be him but you too will collapse onto the ground."

"Thank you for your concern but please take me to the place where he is getting his surgery, I am advised to be with him 24/7."

"No can do! but instead, we will arrange a way for you to stay outside, I will go in and ask what exactly is wrong with him and what the casualties are.

Since there was no code red yet, I am pretty sure that nothing is wrong with him."

"Please check and send the best doctors," she bowed in a 90-degree angle again,

"We sure will, he said doing the same."

He looked back and talked to everyone saying everyone to get this and that ready without revealing anything about Aiden.

"Could you please follow me to where he is getting his surgery," Administrator said.

"Sure," she followed him quietly.

But right when they reached that place Aiden was being carried out, he was still unconscious.

Though he was supposed to be unconscious she was scared, scared of what the future might hold for her.

She followed the doctors quietly to the room where Aiden was being taken, even after entering the room she sat by his bed and kept on closely observing him make sure that nothing else is wrong and would go wrong.

"Mam, could you please have a talk with me," a doctor came in saying so.

"Yeah sure," she stood up.

"Don't worry about the state he is in, he didn't only faint because of the injury but also because he was extremely exhausted, could you please tell me how long he hasn't slept?"

"I am pretty sure he was sleeping well," Adrienne spoke confused about the doctor's statement.

"Well, I can understand that he is a busy person and had to stay awake for a few days for work but being awake for more than 3 or 4 days can make people start to hallucinate and their mentality undergoes a massive change until they get a good rest.

Please make sure that he sleeps well for the next couple of days, for now, he will stay like that for more than 24 hours because we had to forcefully put him to sleep because his condition was a bit bad. When he wakes up he can be discharged.

There is nothing else for you to worry about, only a few tissues were damaged and nothing hindered his bone, so he will be able to walk just fine, the doctor went outside."

Adrienne was more than relieved to hear those words if those words were the total opposite it would have been her life would have ended.

Adrienne… Adrienne… it was Aiden who was calling her name while he was asleep.

She ran upon hearing her name, but he was talking in his sleep.

Don't move unless you want to die! he kept talking.

She wanted to ask him a few questions but she was scared to take advantage of someone who is sick.

Her clothes were drenched in his blood, but this was nothing for her compared to past experiences. Her subordinate who died in her hands kept reappearing in her head since she saw the blood on her white clothes but she had no choice but to hold onto those painful memories.

She went to the bathroom and washed her clothes as much as could, hopeful at least some blood washed away from her white shirt, she put it on again and came out wearing her coat hoping that she will be able to cope with the coldness.

A bowl full of mildly hot water was resting on the table with a towel, though she had never touched him before considering the situation he was in she had no choice but to clean him up.

She drenched the towel in water and squeezed out the excess water and went to him, she carefully washed away the blood on his face without waking him up in any way, she moved her hand to the hospital gown he was wearing hoping to wipe away the sweat that he was drenched in.

But right when she put her hand on the button, a hand came and grabbed her hand stopping her from unbuttoning the shirt.