Aiden's Dream - Part 2 (A Sweet Dream Turned Nightmare)

"What would that be? I thought that we were done with our work here already. Well if it is something that you are going to buy for me I don't mind.

So where is it?"

Right over there, butler Feng said pointing his hand to the corner of the store where there were ornaments.

"That's such a long distance, I don't wanna walk that long.

You master do you want me to hold you?

Can you? I have seen many children going on their father's shoulders, unfortunately, my father doesn't even know about his own son's life. It's okay if you can't hold me, I know that you already have back problems.

Oh, no master, I am not that old to not be able to hold you up, come here he said putting his hands around Aiden, who was yet much smaller than an average child. He kept him on his shoulder and tightly held onto him."

"Let's go over there, he walked there quickly."

It was an isle full of snow globes, though the exact one he had with him wasn't there, he was still happy that he was going to get a new one.

"Can I by two? Aiden asked.

Buy as much as you want, consider this as a gift from me to you.

Then I will get these two, He said taking out two small balls at looked exactly the same since he couldn't question why he took two of them he stayed and waited for him to get what he really want.

I am done, we can go now."

Okay then, butler Feng held his hand walking him towards the cashier to get everything billed.

"Your son must be really smart, the cashier said billing the books.

Oh about that you are correct, he is indeed smart but he is not my son he is my young master, it would have been better if he was my own son, butler Feng said with a bright smile on his face.

Can someone come to help me with carrying the stuff? he said through the phone In no time, a man came in and helped them carry them.

Young master let's go then, he said holding the bad where the two snow globes were put."

"I want to walk back home! Aiden said bringing on his stubborn face.

But I think it's a little too late at night to walk out there in the streets, we already spent too much time selecting books so I think it's better if we go back by car.

No, I want to walk! I want to eat out from a store in the street like the children in the story books did!

Master I don't think that I can help you with that, you know that you can't eat food from outside because of your weak stomach. The chef back at home must have cooked something nice for you already."

"Okay, let's walk back home, Butler Feng said holding Aiden's hand.

Young master wants to walk, you guys can go. I will be back at home with Master in no time, so rest assured.

Okay butler Feng, they said and left."

They walked down the same streets they came, upon walking they met a girl who was crying while walking holding her mother's hand. Aiden quickly held onto her hand and stopped her.

The girl looked at him, as it was someone she didn't know.

"Little girl, why are you crying? Aiden asked

Who are you calling little, I am much taller than you. See she said comparing her size with Aiden's. All this time the woman who was holding the girl's hand looked at how silly her daughter's behaviour was.

Okay then little girl, since you are the first outsider I have talked to, I wish we will be able to meet once again in the future he said quickly talking out a snow globe from the bag.

You can keep this and one day if we are lucky enough we will meet again, Aiden said patting on the girl's head."

"Thank you," she said while playing with it, that was all, one of his snow globes was gone with a random girl who he met on the street.

"Young master one day whoever it is that is going to be your wife in the future is going to be really like, I can see that already.

We will see about that? He said.

I didn't expect to meet the person I wanted to give the globe here, for sure I will find her in the future and will make her my bride. I knew from the first glance she was mine."

Butler Feng was surprised by such words coming out of a 12-year-old mouth, but at the same time, he knew that Aiden was a child who had already matured because of the tough life he had to go through.

Within another 15 minutes of walk, they reached the house. It was to both of their's surprise, that there were no guards guarding the main door and the time being not the time for them to change places alerted Feng's mind.

"Master listen to me, no matter what is going to happen now. You need to run away from here if I tell you to, and keep this phone with you in case. There is no password here and all the numbers you will need in case of an emergency are here, he said putting it into Aiden's pocket.

What's wrong!? Butler Feng. doesn't worry there is probably nothing wrong, they all probably must be having a party because we were away.

I wish that is the case too, Butler Feng said trying to bring a smile onto his face."

"Look who is here, a group of people who were totally dressed in black and were covering their faces appeared behind both of them.

Master Run!! Butler Feng whispered, but the command he gave couldn't make him run. He was not ready to run away leaving his guardian angel in danger.

Do you think that you both will be able to leave this place alive, we can spare you Butler Feng, but not this little fellow here. He is the one we are here for, therefore if you want to save your life you can hand over him to us."


Aiden was talking in his sleep. Regardless of the medicine that Adrienne was in, his little screams woke her up.

She quickly went to him dragging the IV behind her, but when she got near him she found him covered in cold sweat and murmuring.


A man dressed in black hit Butler Feng's legs bringing him on his knees, Aiden had no where that he could run, but soon after someone hit Aiden right on his head bringing him onto the ground with a bleeding head.

"Young master, Promise me no matter what is going to happen now. Promise me that you will survive!!!"

Someone shot Butler Feng right in the head, leaving him unconscious forever on the ground. Though Aiden was still conscious but was on the verge of collapsing.

"Madam Laurent, the target was executed. We will be heading back to your place now."

The name that Aiden heard right before he collapsed was his mother's name.


"Master Aiden wake up!" Adrianne shook his shoulders waking him up.