Unexpected Situations - Part 1 (At Home)

She knew what was waiting for her even if there were only a few hours left until his ceremony.

Thank God she got him a suit ready the moment she heard about Aiden's inauguration ceremony.

They reached home sooner than she expected it to take, she quickly opened the door for him and walked inside after closing the door behind her. Without even looking at his face, she quickly went into the bathroom to get his bath ready for him as his wound had probably dried enough. She quickly checked all the other shower products and skin care products and came outside.

"Master your bath is almost ready!" she said keeping her head low to avoid trouble with his as much as possible.

He went into the bathroom without talking a word, Adrienne was expecting some good trouble but he was silent. She walked away to prepare him something that he can quickly gulp down.

She took out the instant soup that he always enjoyed and quickly made a soup for him and heated up the bread a little which had gotten delivered to the house the same morning.

She made the table and arranged everything hoping that she won't get shouted at for what happened a while ago.

Though it had ready been nearly 40 minutes Aiden didn't seem to be coming out of the bathroom. Though she was a little curious, she let her suspicions go away thinking that he must be taking a break.

She took a quick shower and came outside and took a peek at the kitchen to see whether he was eating or not but to her surprise he wasn't there.

She quickly walked to his room even though she was still in her towel, and found that he still wasn't out of the bathroom.

She went to the bathroom door and quickly knocked on it. "Master Aiden are you still in there, I just wanted to let you know that we don't have much time left."

Usually, the outcome of knocking on his door would be a set of words that threatens her life, but instead, there were no words except for pure silence.

She quickly grabbed the extra key from his drawer and unlocked the door, and found his still laying in the bathtub.

"Master Aiden, are you alright?" She asked not taking another step towards him.

But to her question there was no response, he was still lying in the bathtub with his eyes open and his mouth and lips not moving.

She quickly ran to him and splashed some water onto his face, which brought him back to his senses.

"Master Aiden are you alright!?" She asked panicking.

"Get away from me!" he said pushing Adrienne away from him.

"Someone spiked me with a drink back at the company, I drank it because they said to me that you sent it to me, but it seems that there was something in it." He said trying to catch his breath.

She placed her hand on his forehead and found him burning with a fever, 'Master you need to get out of the water right now!' she said.

He pushed her away again and tried to get up, but he couldn't.

Even if he was out of his clothes, Adrienne knew that she had no choice but to drag him out of the water. If she was another few moments late, he would have drowned in the water.

She quickly grabbed a towel to wrap him up as soon as she took him out of the water, she used all of her strength and dragged him out of the water that he fell right onto her lap.

She quickly wrapped the towel around him and dried the rest of the water on his body.

She helped him onto his bed, and after leaving him like that she went to the kitchen to grab him something to drink.

When she returned, his body was all covered in sweat.

She ran out of the room and called Noir who was the only person that could help. She wiped away all the sweat on his body and turned around to get something that can sober him up real quick.

But just then, Aiden grabbed Adrienne's hand and pulled her into his body.

"Master! Master! please come to your senses it is me, Adrienne!" She said trying to get off of his embrace.

"It doesn't matter, he murmured, your body feels so warm. I wish I could stay like this forever, he said."

"Master it's me, Adrienne. she said again."

Aiden! Noir broke into the room.

Oh sh!t he turned around.

"It's okay master Noir, Master Aiden pulled me into him thinking that I was someone else, could you please help me up. He is not letting me go."

Ah, he said walking towards the both of them.

"How dare you say I don't know you! I know who you are, you are that troublemaker menace who is always by my side. I know it's you, Adrienne."

"Looks like now that he is drunk, he's got a lot to say go, you Adrienne.

Shall I leave you alone so that you guys can talk?"

"Master Noir, we don't have much time left until the ceremony starts. If we don't leave within the next 45 minutes everyone will think that he purposely did this."

Noir helped Adrienne up.

"Gosh! Go get dressed. I will try to do something about him," he said making Aiden drink more water.

Adrienne came to the room again after getting dressed and doing her makeup.

"Get me some coffee and go grab a charcoal pill from the pharmacy.

Be quick, we don't have much time left," Adrienne ran out of the house to get him the strongest coffee that she could find.

"Aiden, talk to me! Who did this to you? Or are you pretending?"

"Oh, you are back here Adrienne, he said pulling down Noir onto the bed with his full strength.

Oi come to your senses, I am Noir, not Adrienne.

Why are you lying to me Adrienne, he talked with his eyes half-closed."

A few minutes passed, and Aiden wasn't speaking a single word, Noir pushed him right back onto the bed.

"Damn man! You are so strong," he said getting up from the bed.

Adrienne came back with a coffee that was hot enough for a person to gulp it down, she handed over the pill to Noir and quickly went to Aiden and helped him chug down the coffee.

"Master Noir here is the water. I will go and get him his suit," Adrienne left the room.

She returned back with his suit and handed it over to Noir, who was expecting Aiden to throw up real quick.

Instead, all they got in return was, "Noir what are you doing here and what happened to me?"

Aiden was slowly coming back to his senses as he appeared to be soberer.

"Aiden get up! we need to get dressed soon, the ceremony is happening and everyone is waiting for you there. If you are late, everyone will turn their back against you."

Aiden's body was like a robot who received a command, he got up and quickly got dressed, but still trying to find his balance.

"Noir you leave first, he said. I will get there soon. You need to hold them for me."

Noir left in the speed of light.

"Adrienne come here!"