An Embarrassed Psycho

He pushed her onto the bed and took off his coat unbuttoning his shirt, he jumped onto the bed. Leaning into Adrienne still trying to catch a breath.

He started to unbutton Adrienne's blouse button by button while looking straight into her eyes.

But it was only a few buttons, he fell onto her unconscious.

Adrienne tried to push him away but she couldn't, he was holding her tightly that she couldn't even move.


The night passed, but Adrienne couldn't sleep a blink. She kept herself awake so that he would realise that he was the one wrong when he wake up.

The sun was gradually rising in the sky lighting up the dark room with its rays.

Adrienne took a close look at Aiden's face hoping that he wouldn't wake up.

She carefully ran her hand to his neck to see what the scar mark she saw before was, but instead, he grabbed her hand and pushed her onto the bed and kept staring at her.

He was indeed confused, he was trying to find the lost memories of what happened last night.

But the only thing he remembered from last night was grabbing Adrienne's hand to let her know that he is not alright.

"I will take responsibility if something happened last night," he said getting off the bed.

He quickly took the blanket and threw it onto her.

Adrienne quickly adjusted her clothes and got off the bed.

"There is no need to worry, she said. Nothing happened last night for you to take responsibility."

"Oh I see," Aiden spoke still trying to figure out exactly what happened but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't figure out what happened.

"Master if you may excuse me, there is something that I should do now."

"What exactly is that?" Aiden said getting back to his usual self.

"The security camera footage from last night might create a huge problem if they get out.2

"Wait! I will come with you since this matter concerns me too."

"Yes, master," she said opening the door for him.


They both got into the security room. Everyone was as if they saw a ghost.

"Please delete all the security footage from 9 PM to 9.30 PM!"

"Mam, may I know the reason to do so?" One of the officers asked.

"All of you, get out of this room! We are currently searching for something. We would like some privacy," Aiden said so because he wanted to know what exactly happened the previous night.

Everyone left the security room after opening the folder where the security footage from the last night was stored.

"You stay right there! I want to see the footage that concerns you this much."

Aiden took a seat as he played the footage from the lobby where he found nothing other than Adrienne helping him walk. What he wanted to see was in the elevator camera footage.

He saw him talking nonsense and forcing a prolonged kiss on Adrienne.

For the first time, he was speechless in front of her, he could clearly see from the footage that it was him who was forcing her.

He pulled his hair out of embarrassment.

"Delete this!" He told Adrienne and walked out of embarrassment.


He couldn't even think about how to cover this incident, after seeing it instead of hearing about it he wasn't even sure whether he could look Adrienne in the eye.

He of all the people knew that he couldn't have feelings toward her but at the same time, he couldn't understand why he wanted to kiss her so bad. The man who couldn't dare to think about God was thanking him that something serious didn't happen between them.

He quickly took his phone out of the pocket and called Noir

"Hey man, there is something I need to talk to you about? I am doomed, he said without explaining it on the phone

Come and meet me at the company?" Aiden said.

"I am already at the company because I was scared of getting blamed by you, and look at you are not even on your way."

"You stay right there don't go anywhere until you meet me," Aiden said running towards the entrance.

He ran out of the building and ended up at the main road hoping to catch a taxi. Even before another minute passed he was able to get into a taxi.

Aiden who wasn't aware that he didn't even have his wallet on him quietly waited until they got to the company.

"That will be 20 euros!" the driver said.

That's when Aiden finally realised that he was such an idiot who goes around without a wallet.

"I am sorry, but I don't have my wallet with me now. Can you follow me into the company? I will ask someone to hand over the money to you.

How can I trust someone like you, look at your clothes... It is obvious that you are headed to that place after being up to something that is of no good."

Aiden had his reputation to save in front of the whole world, though anger was raging inside him. He got out of the car, hoping to call someone over.

And fortunately, someone did recognize him, the Moment he got out of the car and his face appeared in the vicinity of the guards, they quickly came running to him.

"How dare you! The taxi driver came outside and held Aiden by his colour.

Do you think that I am easy to fool, do you think that it is easy to get away from me?"

"Can someone pay him? I owe him 20 euros." Aiden asked still controlling his emotions.

One of the guards quickly got Aiden released from his grasp and adjusted his clothes.

"Master Phoenix are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? where is your Assistant? She should be with you.

I will not ask you any more questions, you can go inside Master I will take care of this matter here."

"No actually wait! Give me your wallet," he said looking at the head of the security team who was trying to help him.

"Yes, master here you go," he said after pulling out his wallet without any hesitation.

"Oh you, Aiden said putting a psychotic smile on his face as he turned towards the taxi driver who seemed to be confused.

Here is your money, Aiden put a 20 euro bill in his hand.

And remember I am Aiden Pheonix. I get the fact that you couldn't identify who I was but at least you could have been more understanding and shouldn't have been this rude. I was definitely going to do you a favour if you were to trust me and follow me in.

You can go now, I will not take any legal action against your rude behaviour. Aiden turned his back towards the driver and walked in. "

"Head of security follow me inside, Aiden said continuing to walk into his office.

Senior secretary, Aiden said tapping on the desk.

Yes, master? I am sorry I didn't see you coming because I was reading this document.

Send 2 million to his account, Aiden said with a bright smile on his face.

Master that is generous of you but I don't think that this should happen. That was only 20 euros. This is 2 million, they are not similar at all.

We need more people like you. people like you, who are willing to help someone else are rare to come by. You pulled out your wallet without any hesitation and here I am pulling out my wallet to repay your kindness.

You can go now, Aiden said walking into the office."

Noir was waiting inside the office, the moment he saw Aiden he started to smile and then when back to the way he was.

"So you finally did it, didn't you?" Noir broke into a huge smile.