Secret In The Mansion - Part 7 - A Chance

"Police officer!" Adrienne raised her voice. "Can we have Mr. Lavangne for a moment? There is something we would like to discuss with him."

"Yes, sure thing." He said and moved away back into the room.

"Yes, Master Aiden.?" He asked in his attractive husky voice.

"Can we leave?"

"Yes we can Master but we have to yet request it. They still have the power to hold us in for the next 48 hours. So I am not sure whether this request is going to be accepted."

For a moment it felt like it was just another idea that wasn't going to work out but when he realised that he indeed has a way that he can use to get out of this place. His cold heart went through a moment of happiness.

"Noir call the officer in charge of Paris. Ask him to get this request of ours accepted no matter what." He said.

"Alright then lemme work on it." Noir walked away.

"Lavangne brief me on the situation."

"Yes, Master. All the clues are directed toward the butler. Since neither you nor Miss Adrienne hasn't visited this year around the time the other bodies that were found here were killed, the blame for that is not to be placed on both of you."

"The problem here is the body you guys discovered but yet there are no clues directed at either of you. You have to be careful about whatever you are uttering out of your mouths."

"For a reason, even I can even figure out the police is trying to hold you in here."

"That's the problem here," Aiden said diving into his own world of thoughts.

Even his genius of a mind couldn't figure it out. He ended up thinking that it is either because someone has his back or it is out of a personal grudge.

"Lavangne, get me all the personal information you can get on this man. I think that is the other way through which we can figure this out."

"Master Aiden let me take care of that, Adrienne suddenly raised her voice. I'll"just hack the police department of this region and get out whatever is possible."

"But we don't have a computer here," Aiden said.

"I have mine with me and it is in the car. Also, we can't absolutely allow them to search the car." She said.

"Master Aiden, rest assured I can get it done for you. They have their eyes on Miss Adrienne and if they see her typing something on the computer that is going to create us some trouble."

"I shall just go down and get it for both of you."

Adrienne and Aiden were both left alone in the living room upstairs. For some reason the police weren't even paying them any attention but his eyes were too late to realise how pale Adrienne had gotten.

He could see her sweatshirt and trousers wet with blood and when he ran his eyes along the floor he could see the blood that had dropped out of her hand.

"Go and sit there," Aiden said pointing at the couch that was behind them.

She was feeling a like bit drained but she knew that compared to the trouble they were all going through she was not in a place to let out her distress.

She was more than sure that the wounds weren't life-threatening but still they made her body ache all over with the exhaustion that she previously had in her body.

"I am absolutely all right master," she said.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call master?"

"I am sorry."

"I am sorry too." Aiden said. "Lemme help you there." He slowly walked Adrienne to the couch and helped her sit.

He slowly pulled her sweatshirt up and was surprised by what he saw. Though she was acting like that wound was nothing the wound was indeed deep. Deep enough to have a couple of stitches on it.

He grabbed her hand and looked at the wound. Though it wasn't that deep, the bleeding hadn't stopped.

"I will go get the medics. You stay right there and hold your arm high. Otherwise, the bleeding won't stop." He left after saying that.

She was honestly happy about him being so concerned about her but at the same time she was worried.

Soon he arrived with a first aid box. He carefully took Adrienne's hand and washed it with saline water. Putting his medical knowledge to use he sawed up her wound on the hand like a pro and wrapped it with bandage.

He pulled her sweater up a little and kneeled right in front of her so that no one else could see her. He disinfected the wound and closed it up with a few stitches as the wound was too deep.

After bandaging it he sat on the chair.

"I am so exhausted going through all this mess," he said letting out a sigh while holding onto Adrienne's hand. "Can you let me rest my head on your lap for a minute?" He asked being as polite as he could be.

"I don't mind." She replied. "But will you be alright with all the people here?" She asked concerned about their relationship being revealed.

"Don't worry about that. Nothing will happen as long as you have me by your side." He rested his head on her lap and placed his legs over the couch's arms.

She caressed his hair while looking at her Master, who is now her lover resting his head on her not concerned about what was going on outside.

Time passed by slowly and the sun was right about to set. It was already night and the police were still there and Aiden was asleep on her lap like a child.

"Aiden sorry to bother you but we have to leave right now Noir raised his voice waking Aiden up."

"Come on man. I am still single and you here is enjoying a romantic moment with your girlfriend amidst the horrific sight that is in front of you guys."

"The place doesn't matter," Aiden replied.

"Enough with your jokes. We can leave now or else we can stay here for today and leave tomorrow morning. I think the latter is the best option."

"Anything you say man. But did you find a hotel for us to say in? It's not like we can stay in just any place."

"Yes, there is one just 15 minutes away from here. It's an intermediate level but they seemed to have better rooms than all the other places around here."

"The royal suit was already booked but thank God they still had their chairmen suit. I managed to get the chairman suit together with two other best rooms."

"You guys can stay in the chairmen suit, Maribel and I will sleep quite close to the place you are staying."

"Didn't they have two chairmen suits?" Aiden asked concerned about letting someone like Noir who had never experienced a hardship stay in a normal hotel room.

"No they only had one but the rooms are pretty much okay. They said that they are not sure about whether the people in the royal suit would move out or not, but if they move out tonight that is our luck."

"Let's hope that will happen," Aiden said.

"The problem I have is that the sun had already gone down and I don't feel like walking in the middle of a huge flower field at night without flowers."

"The sight of the outside is scaring the shit out of me already," Noir said.