Secret In The Mansion - Part 10 - Another secret unfolded

"Where is it that you want to go?" He asked finally coming back from the sweet pleasure that she gave him.

"Back to the bed. You gotta sleep and I gotta sleep. We both have to sleep well we have to do well tomorrow. Also one more thing I recommend going and checking on Master Noir. He is probably feeling more uncomfortable with the room than what we do."

"Thank you for reminding me about that but you almost made me force it on you. Your moves are so powerful that you can make any man bow before you and beg to be satisfied by you."

"Okay okay, now go check on him. His room is very close to here anyways." Aiden left the room.

He walked down the corridor and right before he turned to the right. He could hear someone else's steps so he stopped. He could see both of their rooms from where he was standing and he was more than sure that it was Noir who was walking towards Maribel's room to his surprise Maribel was standing by his room as if he was expecting someone to come into his room.

Right, when Aiden decided to take a step he had to stop again seeing Maribel pushing Noir in and closing the door.

"Now that's suspicious. Well, I have no plans on bothering those two." He turned around and walked back to his room.

He opened the door and went to the bed. Adrienne was already lying there with the blanket over her. He slid under the blanket and went near Adrienne.

"So did you meet him? Is he comfortable with the room he is staying in?"

"Well, I don't know. I had a small surprise on my way there so I decided not to bother them and return back to you."

"What is it?" She asked getting all curious about what Aiden just said.

"It kind of seems like Noir is dating Maribel. I don't know exactly but it seems like that. I will just wait for him to say it to me whatever it is."

"Aiden I know it's a bit rude to ask this, but if what you said is somehow the truth will his family accept him for who he is?"

"I don't know." He replied. "They are not the people to abandon their son for something like this but I have this slight feeling that they will be disappointed if they were to hear something like this."

"Love is just love after all," Adrienne buried her head in the pillow.

"Wow from where did all that philosophy come from?"

"No comment on that." She replied. "Shall we sleep I honestly am a bit exhausted and I am pretty sure that you are too. I saw how stressed you were today. I don't want you to have another mental breakdown and go astray."

"Let me keep you under my wings and protect you from the moon that is haunting your life. She opened her arms for him to jump into her embrace."

Even before much time could pass they both fell asleep in each other's arms feelings each other's warmth. The tiredness that was eating them out for the past few days was finally able to be driven away.

They both woke up as the sunrise started to touch the corners of the room.

"I will go down and get the clothes for you. I don't want you to wear those unsanitary clothes now. I am sorry that there is nothing I can do about the undergarments." He said without thinking much. His mind was genuinely worried about seeing her in the same clothes.

"Yaaaah, why are you even thinking about that? Don't be shocked but in my armoury box, there is an extra pair of everything. It's more like two pairs. I used one back when we were at the hotel. I still have one more and that probably is enough for me to get back home."

"Nice." He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Meanwhile, Adrienne took her phone. In her mind, she was thank full about the fact that there was a charger in the room. Otherwise, his and her phone would have been dead and they all would have been unreachable.

Her eyes were wide awake as the time was already 8.30 in the morning but she knew that since the signing event is to be held tomorrow there is no hurry.

"I will go get your clothes for you and let's leave after having breakfast. I also have to wake up those two on my way down." He sighed and went out of the room closing the door behind them.

Adrienne was left all alone in the room. She couldn't think about anything to do and since she knew that he is going to be back with clothes for her there was no need for her to put an effort to wear something before he come.

She got off the bed thinking that she should make some coffee for him. Though it was not what he usually drinks she herself knew that instant coffee is not that bad.

The water boiled as it took him for him to wake up Noir and Maribel.

After seeing them in the morning like that. He was 98% sure about the suspicion he had about them. Knowing that there is nothing for him to worry about them he went down without even bothering to question them about anything.

He was sure that Noir would tell him when it is the right time and Aiden's mind had no intentions of stepping into his private life.

He finally reached the car and he opened the boot to take out the clothes from her armoury. Just like she said there was a box which was completely made out of leather though it was flat compared to how he expected it to see it.

What he saw when he opened it surprised him. There were 5 types of guns in her box including a sniper and a few other kinds of revolvers. On the side, there were two sets of clothes and from one he could clearly see that she had worn them. He grabbed the other clothes set which looked exactly the same as the other one.

To his surprise, there was a pair of charming black boots with them.

He went back to the room and put the clothes on the table.

Adrienne came to him with a cup of coffee.

"By the way, Adrienne don't you think that your clothes are a bit too much for a killing spree? Everything is in black so wouldn't anyone notice you if you go out like this?"

"Nope, not at all. They are all black I get that but if you unfold them you will see that they are not just plain clothes. They have a certain amount of fashion in them which makes them different from serial killers' clothes."

"And what about you? your clothes are the most suspicious, black hat, mask, black long coat and all the others in black as well. Wouldn't anyone notice you that way just like you assumed a moment ago?"

"You do have a point but that is the only colour I feel like wearing."

"Those clothes can get me right into the mood. So it's more like clothes play a huge role in what I do."

"I guess you are trying to get back at me." He slowly started to approach Adrienne with the cup in his hand.