"What do we have here?" Moses Potter asked. The sight of the bruised, and fresh red wounds crisscrossing themselves several times like the interwoven threads on a piece of cloth was nauseating. 

"Atonement does not come easy my brothers; every deed has real consequences." He said as paced around them.

"I hear you got yourself drunk and danced like heathen whoremongers. Defiling your vows and bodies."

"Did you not know that your bodies are the living temples of our Lord? Ever since you took the vow to become a Knight Templar on your own accord." Moses Potter reprimanded them.

"Ambrose Henri, tell me. Who tricked or forced you to become a knight of the church? He asked while harshly staring at him. 

"No one, Sir Ambrose." Ambrose Henri replied. Truth be told, no one forced him to be a Templar. The desire to attain fame and glory motivated him to be a Knight Templar.