He threw off the hood covering his head, it was too hot for his head, he went on to rub his eyes, they were feeling sleepy and weary having not slept in the last thirty hours. How he wished he could just lie down on some of the crates and sleep for several hours, instead of walking all the way to his small room which he shared with two other Order members.
But all this could have to wait. He knew he had one more task to do: choose the Watchers who will accompany the consignment bearing the holy treasure and relics.
Apollo glanced at his fellow Watchers. Twenty-four in number were present in the hall with him, despite the faint lighting from the candles and a few lamps, he could see that they were also tired and bored. They had been working hard the whole night to have the treasure properly packed and then later on transported upstairs.
Now he had to make a decision. Which of them was he going to pick for this uncertain assignment of accompanying the treasure?