Rashid Abubaker read the body language of the Knight Templar coming after him with a lance and he calculated where it was going to strike. The distance between them was getting shorter and shorter with each second so he did not have enough room to evade properly.
He had seen how Banu Jabal evaded the lance that was directed towards him, and he told himself that he could do better than him. He aimed to not only evade but also teach the Knight Templar a lesson.
As the lance came close to him, Rashid parried it away with his sword in such a way that it missed him and his horse while throwing the wielder off balance. The Knight Templar was distracted with trying to balance the lance and himself in the saddle of a fast-moving horse, Rashid took this momentarily lapse in concentration by the Templar to cleave at his left shoulder with his sword.