7. Where is Lazarus?

After hours of travel, they finally reached the border of the Blood moon pack. Kora had still not woken yet and it was already dawn, Ezra had long started complaining about having to carry her all the way. Each time he attempted to give her to Raven she will tighten her while around his neck even in her sleep, she did want to be touched by Raven.

Soon they arrived at the pack house of the Blood moon pack. There, a woman with long blonde hair came out to welcome them with a bright smile on her face. She stopped as soon as she saw a little girl sleeping in the embrace of Ezra her expression turned from shock to surprise.

Her eyes darted between the three with raised brows and a hand on her waist. "Who is she?" the woman asked Lazarus, her mate.

He walked up to her and kissed her forehead before pulling away. "An orphan, we found her alone beside the dead body of her mother," he said.

"Seriously? Like for real?" she asked.

"Ehem." Ezra coughed drawing everyone's attention to himself. "Dana, I need a place to place her, my hands are numb," he said to the blonde woman.

"Ah!" She exclaimed and lightly slapped her head. "My bad. Give her to me," she said, eager to hold the child in her arms.

"Careful with her, she may look like a sweet little girl but she is anything but that," Raven said. Just remarks made Dana halt and turn towards Lazarus and Ezra as if asking for a confirmation or a denial.

"You will know what to think of her when she wakes up," Lazarus said and she nodded before walking up the stairs.

"What now?" Raven asked. "Are you sure you want to keep her here, Lazarus? What if we are raising an enemy right under our noses?"

"She is not an alpha's child. She has no alpha blood in her, there is nothing to worry about." Lazarus said and was on a couch facing the two. "And if she is, I will take care of her myself. For now, I want to find out what it is about her that calls to me."

"Relax a little, will you? She is just a child who needs help and that is what we are giving her." Ezra said as he too took a seat opposite Lazarus. "I am starving, do you think the food is ready yet?"

"It is still quite early so the food is not yet ready, you have to wait a little bit longer," Dana said as she descend the stairs. She had just finished tucking Kora into bed. "So tell me who is she?" She asked, referring to Kora." She is adorable."

Raven scrunched his nose when he heard that, to him, the girl was anything but adorable. "If you think so," he said emotionlessly.

"She is from the Crescent moon pack, the pack was attacked late at night and she happens to be the only survivor, we encountered her on our way back so we brought her along," Ezra said, omitting the part where Lazarus sensed the girl and led them to save her.

"That's nice to of you," Dana said while looking at Lazarus who didn't seem to care about what was going on in there or what they were talking about. "And very unexpected too. Are you sure that there isn't more to this story?"

Lazarus glanced at her but said nothing and looked ahead through the open window. ("Are you going to tell her about the 'pull' you talked about?") Raven's mind linked him.

("No, Not yet. Not until I find out what that was about.") Lazarus replied. ("And don't any of you dare to tell her.") he said as his voice echoed in the heads of Raven and Ezra at the same time.

("Yes, alpha.") They both said at the same time. Though the alpha tone he used caught him off guard and the reason for the warning still was unknown to him, Ezra had no choice but to say yes before turning to Raven for answers.

("What the heck was that about?") Ezra asked, he was converting with Dana when he suddenly got a warning from his alpha.

("Don't tell Dana about how we were able to tell that the little girl was in danger. About the 'pull,' he talked about.") Raven said and cut the mind link. Ezra looked at them annoyed. Didn't he intentionally omit that from the story he gave to Dana?

By now Dana had noticed the conversation between the trio through the mind link and felt bad. What was it that they were talking about that they couldn't say out loud in her presence? Was it about the little girl?"

"What were you three talking about?" Dana asked. She looked at each of their faces and stopped at Ezra once again, the gamma was the easiest to deal with. Using her alpha tone she asked again, " What were you discussing that I shouldn't know?"

Ezra felt the weight of the alpha tone and almost blurted it out. He was able to restrain himself and turned to look at Lazarus asking for help with his eyes.

"I will let you know when the time is right," Lazarus said and held onto her hand and squeezed it a little bit.

Dana looked at him with a frown but eventually agreed and let it slide. " Fine, but you had better tell me everything," she said and Lazarus nodded. Ezra sighed in relief as soon as he saw Dana give in and drop the topic." You should go and rest. You need it." Dana said to the three.

"I will go and have a bath first. After breakfast, I will rest." Lazarus said and stood up to leave. " You two should do the same," he said to Ezra and Raven.

The three men soon left and went into different rooms to freshen up while Dana went into the kitchen to make the things there are going well.

After making sure that everything was going smoothly, she returned to the living room and found Kora standing at the bottom of the stairs looking around the house and she smiled. "You are awake?" Dana said and approached her.

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Kora snapped her head in the direction of the voice and found a beautiful woman standing there and looking at her with a smile. She didn't know this woman so why was she smiling at her like she was her long-lost family?

"Where is Lazarus?"