47. A glimpse of the past

Blood moon pack,

"Alpha," A man said as he walked into the alpha's office with Lazarus seated inside behind the desk.

"Speak, what is it?" Lazarus asked without lifting his head from the files in front of him. Because of the birthday, he was forced to sit through earlier, work had piled up and he was running late and didn't need any unnecessary distractions.

"It's the Shadow moon pack." The man said and Lazarus's hand that was holding the pen paused. "The pack is under attack as we speak, alpha."

Lazarus finally looked up at him with a deep frown on his face. "How is the pack holding up?" Lazarus asked.

The pack is doing fine." the man responded and Lazarus nodded his head and said nothing more. "Shouldn't we help them?" the man asked again. He was surprised because his alpha did not say anything other than just humming to him and nodding his head.