98. Friends to Brothers

His eyes that stared at the vampires and rogues turned crimson and a loud and threatening growl erupted from the pit of his stomach as he matched towards them like a predator stalking its prey.

The vampires and rogues heard the growl of a beast and turned to look in the direction it came. There, they saw a bou with blood-red eyes staring at them while slowly, steady threatening steps towards them. 

They subconsciously took backward steps without knowing it. When they did, they stopped and growled at his warnings but he continued walking towards them without stopping for a second. Fur had curved his body and his nails had turned into claws, his canines became fangs. 

They wondered what kind of creature he was as they had never seen a wolf who shifts like that before. He shifted but was still standing on both feet and looked human but in a very disturbing way. 

"What is that thing?" A rogue asked looking between his subordinates for an answer.