101. Awake

Blackstorm pack, 

Dana opened her eyes, her vision blurry and she blinked them. Opening tthem again, she looked at the white ceiling, at the lights that shone in the room and the chandelier that reflected the light. 

She tried to move her hands but she failed on the first try. Clenching her fingers to gather some strength she lifted the hand and found an IV drip turd to her wrist. A small frown appeared on her face. The room she was in did not look like a hospital so why was there a drip on her?

She raised the other hand, there was nothing in it. Placing the hand on her belly, she says upright feeling her belly flat without her any bump. Her body shook in fear for the worst. She couldn't lose her baby. Not after trying for so long. 

Hurriedly, she linked Lazarus who was outside the room talking to an omega, telling her to make dinner and bring it for Dana. 'Lazarau!' Dana called through the link, her voice was shaky and sounded weak.