125. It is Gaia?

Hello, I am sorry to say that we are out of the month's Winwin mission. I won't give excuses but I do hope we will be able to look forward to next month and make it through together. Thank you all for your support!! 


Away from the Blood Moon pack. 

Cillia stood in front of a mansion pa white and grey. The mansion was located at the top of a hill overlooking a human city. Up there it stood like a giant with a 'PRIVATE PROPERTY, DO NOT TRESPASS' sign on the bars of its gates. Cillia touched the sign before she opened the gates and walked inside. 

There were no guards around making the place look desolate and abandoned. She walked to the front doors and opened it. The inside was dark with the windows being delivered with thick black curtains preventing the rays of the sun from penetrating inside leaving it in darkness.