136. I killed her

The world around them. They seemed to fade into nothingness as they stood next to their respective mates who bled without breathing. If anyone had told them that they would end up killing their mayes with their hands they would have probably laughed it off. Or maybe punched you in the gut for spouting such things when they knew how important a mate was to a shifter. 

'Mate.' The word sounded so distant to the two. Their beast howled at the sight of their mates lying lifeless on the ground and the knowledge that they were directly responsible for their deaths weighed heavily on them very suffocatingly. 

Gaia saw Ezra and Amteo standing over them and remembered her vision her heart ached to see them like that but there was nothing that she could do to ease the pain that they felt. One was a brother figure while the other was her beta she felt his pain too and wished she could help them.