138. Back to Life

Lazarus and Dana quickly made their way toward Kora after they heard what had happened to Darren. Kora was much too young to her and made a widow. Getting closer, they were not too surprised at what they saw. It was not what they had expected but it was somewhere close to it. 

Tears fell from Dana's eyes as her gaze fell on Darren who lay on the wooden bed on the small island that was created. He lay unmoving and her heart ached for Kora. 

"Let's get to her," Lazarus said and took her hand to lead her. 

'This shouldn't have happened to her." Dana said as the speed walked towards her." I wish I could do something to help."

After they walked around and past Darren, something happened that no one saw. Black smoke came out of his body and engulfed him whole. Slowly, it turned white and dispersed.