147. He has a curse on him

"How could you...?" Hunter was about to protest but was stopped before he could finish. 

"Do you want to get treated or not?" Jarred asked getting annoyed with the many questions. 

"give me your hand," Crystal instructed. Unwillingly, Hunter placed his palm on hers. She then clasped her palms over and under his and with her eyes closed, she uttered some incoherent words, and a faint light emitting from her palms made its way to Hunter's arm in the form of a light string snaking its way up his arm. 

After a couple of minutes were passed, she opened her eyes and the blackness in his arm started fading. Slow but steady. She then did the same to David and Jack. 

"Why would you help us when you are not one of us?" Hunter asked. She was a witch and from what he knew, though witches tried to do whatever they wanted sometimes, they don't go join themselves with humans. No matter what happens, they will stick to the other creature who were like them, nonhumans.