158. Something is wrong with their minds

It was not long when Lazarus arrived at the cabin after receiving the information that Ezra had been spotted near the Shadow Moon Pack. Though he didnt know why he ended up there, he was glad that his friend and gamma was alright.

He walks into the cabin and spotted Darren standing over Mateo and Ezra with Lucy beside him and her arms stretched to the two shifters on the ground. "Alpha Darren," he greeted and Darren turned to him and gave a nod. "What happened to them?"

"We are yet to know," Darren replied.

Lazarus walked to stand beside him and waited for Lucy to be done. He was worried for Ezra and his worry did not stop even after seeing him now. The state at which he was dus not allow one to be happy. He wojdered what could have happened and the reason why the spell casters would do something like that. Anything having to do with the Spell casters has vampire written all over it.