161. The blood of the coven head

David took another sip of his wine before twirling it in the glass. His eyes cast down in thought on the liquid. His elbow was placed on the bar counter. He then raised his head to look at Jack whose eyes had never left him. "Yes, no need to rush," he said and Jack nodded.

"The more the merrier, I guess," Jack said and gulped down his wine and then pulled a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and a lighter. "Fun can wait too."

All the while the bartender stared at them still wondering what they were talking about. Though they noticed his stares, they showed no intention to tune down their voices. His colleague soon came to his side and saw the way he looked at the customers and wanted to ask why before he also heard what they were saying and he joined the stare. 

"What you are both doing is very unprofessional." Jack started and shot a flare at them which was able to make them turn around and resume work even when there was nothing to be done.