167. A Run

At The Blood Moon Pack,

Lazarus and Ezra entered the pack house and were greeted by a worried, relieved, and happy Dana and Rosie, and the members who were also inhabitants of the pack house. 

Everyone was aware of what happened to the gamma and Al had been afraid of his he was faring now that they have seen him, they were relieved but they were also being very careful around him. He noticed this and frowned lightly but he did not comment. He could understand their reason but he did not like the way to looked at him. He would address that but now was not the right time to do so.

"Hello, Luna," He said with a smile while standing in front of her. 

Without warning, she threw her arms around hugging him in a tight embrace. "I was worried, Ezra," 

"I am sorry," He said and hugged her back. "I am fine now." She nipped and finally let go of him and immediately, Rossie took her place. "I don't want your mate to strangle me, you know." He teased.