172. Round two?

He peppered kisses on her neck as he carried her inside while she threw her head back makings her exposed neck even more accessible. He walked up to the bedroom and kicked the door open and threw her on the bed immediately he got to it.

He took off his pants while she found a better position on the bed with her legs spread and her head resting on a pillow. Her eyes followed his fingers as he unbuckled his belt, the button, and the then zipper. She stared at him, her eyes roaming his body the same way he was doing to hers, taking note of every part of him and finally coming to a stop at his bulging member that was still hidden under his boxers.

Siting up, she made her way to him Crawling on the bed, she stopped at the edge of the bed and looked up at him. "It's my turn to touch you." She said and brushed her palm against his hardness. She felt him tense under her palm and smirked.