177. The enemy of my enemy

He kissed her neck and shiver tackled down her back, her pausing for a moment. She smiled and then continued. He rubbed her stomach and she paused again. "Keep doing that and we won't have anything to eat."

He chuckled at her little threat. "I don't mind that, but I won't want to starve you, so I'll stop." He said but he continued holding her.

"You haven't let go yet," 

"Let me hold you a bit longer." He said holding a bit firmer than before. He wanted to cherish this month. To engrave it in his mind because he knows that once they were out of this penthouse, their little paradise would be over. He already knew what was happening outside the walls of the penthouse but he hasn't told her just yet. He wanted her to try o be as happy as she as she was right and he wanted to see her like this for as long as possible.

"Okay, but don't distract me."
