185. If you can leave this facility....

At Coldshade City,

Crysta stared at Jarred with a look of disapproval on her face. The man had been insisting on letting everyone know that he was a witch and not the human they thought her to be, including the government. 

It was absurd that he had to think of doing that when they both knew what would be at stake. It may not affect him directly but it would affect her. They had gone over and again dragging the same topic but they were atoll standing on opposite lanes never agreeing.

"You will do no such thing, Jarred," She said with her hands on her hips. 

"What are so afraid about?" He said also looking frustrated with the never-ending conversation. "Tell everyone and you wouldn't have to hide anymore, you do what do best openly." He stated that it was the best idea ever proposed.