197. It depends

At Ghora,

Everyone laughed when they saw their Alpha being pinned to the ground by their Luna. She had a smirk on her face and he smiled helplessly. He had to admit that she was stronger than he had thought her to be. Her strength was unexpected and it caught him off guard but he did not feel bad that he was being pinned by her, rather, he was impressed and pleased. This was their first time testing each other's strengths and he was happy about the outcome of it.

"I admit my defeat," he said with his hands over his hand on the ground. Her hands were placed on his chest and her legs were on either side of him. "I am proud," he said and grabbed hold of her thighs "But don't think you will be so lucky next time," 

She peeled his hand off her and got off him. "We shall see," she said and pulled him up to his feet.