208. Don't be rash

As the sun appeared in the sky marking another day, Jarred who had fully recovered made his way to the car, Hunter followed behind him and they got in.

"To Snow Tow," he said to the driver who

 gave a nod and started the engine. "Have you been keeping an eye on the project?" he asked Hunter who gave him a lazy look.

"I told you everything even while you were still on the sick bed, why do you ask this now?" Hunter asked annoyed by the question. Why should he repeat the same words that he had said before over again?

"Alright," Jared said was a nod of his head. "If everything was done as I have planned it to be, it will be our new base, we will launch our attack on those creatures as soon as possible. They will soon learn to stick to their place or better, especially those vampires.