267. How it ends 2

By the time Kora got to the top of the hill, the clock struck midnight. Everything suddenly went still around her. Silence enveloped the surroundings, and a mild warm light surrounded her. She stopped walking and looked at a particular spot where light particles were gathering.

"It is nice to see you again, Gaia," a voice said from within the light. Soon after that, a woman's image appeared, clad in a white overflowing dress, hair of silver and eyes to match. Her skin was fair and had a glow that would leave anyone staring in awe and admiration.

"I want to say the same, but it isn't as easy as it should be, Selene," Gaia replied, but all that the woman did was smile.

"It is unlike you to hold a grudge, Gaia. What have I done to have earned that?" She asked and walked closer to Kora.