Without comprehending what to do subsequent or what action to take at the next moment, I inquired my mom to give me a pleasant suggestion for this problem very gently.
She thought for herself for a while and asked me to bring Ava home to discuss something. My mom did not let the thought which was rolling in her mind even though I asked her for the reason.
I simply accepted her deal without questioning my mom as I don’t want to irritate her more because I was doing so since last night after the guests left my house.
Already I was in irritation just because of Lisa and Ava, as I was in confusion that whether these two are one or different from each other?. While I thinking so seriously about these two women in my life who are irritating me more, my mom called me twice.
She shrugged me when I was in a trance of these girls so that I came into the realm and stared at my mom’s face with a dum face.