Breaking through the glass

Hayashi backed away from the automaton as it rushed him again but this time Hayashi grabbed its arm and tossed it into the ground.

"PING!" Judo LVL 1 has been learned! Mission complete! Learn 4 Martial Arts! Reward: [General Martial arts]! [Body Tempering Arts]! [Breathing Techniqes]! All rewards are sent to inventory!

"Hm? Oh, you're so screwed now!"

Hayashi said as he kicked the robot back before taking out the books and opening them, learning their skills.

"PING!" Learned: [Flash Dynasty Martial Arts] LVL1!, Learned:[Ki Breathing] LVL1!, Learned [Dual Body Mutation Technique] LV1! All martial arts proficiencies will be calculated and averaged.

Hayashi felt the techniques invade his body as the automaton got back up and rushed as the shell of the automaton turned black. and punched him again this time pushing Hayashi back as his [Flash Dynasty Martial Arts] instantly activated his fist turning to imitate that of a snake's body as it whipped its face forcing them both back before Hayashi rushed at it using [Hunter's Sprint].

"This feels so weird...It deviates from my normal style of fighting... it's not as direct...but that can change!"

Hayashi puts his right hand down and forms a fist, striking the automaton's face.

"Ohhh that has to hurt..." the old ghost retorted


Hayashi said as he felt himself passively get stronger, his knuckles started to bleed as he rushed in again, and his breathing pattern changed suddenly his fists began to glow and his frame stood larger than before.

"PING!" [Ki Breathing] activated! [Dual Body Mutation Technique] forcibly activated!

He started to understand that his body was mutating from the inside as he felt his muscles expand from his shoulder as the automaton and the hunter punched each other again. Hayashi's senses exploded with new information as both stumbled back as another skill activated.

"PING!" [Fighting Spirit] has activated on its own! [Fighting Spirit] has been enhanced by [Ki Breathing]! [Flash Dynasty Martial Arts] has been activated!

Hayashi dashed again as if possessed and smashed the head of the automaton and dropped to his knees, bleeding a little bit and dizzy from using too much of his stamina.


"Congratulations!" The old ghost said as he appeared in front of the grey-haired kid presenting him with a door with a golden light, it was slightly cracked open.


He opens the door as gold coins burst out hidden among the gold coins were many weapons and skill books, Hayashi took one that seemed to be old.

"Hm? Are you sure you want that one?"

"Mhm..." The book disappeared as it was opened

"PING!" You have learned Magic: [Magic Arrow]!

"PING!" You have the qualifications to attain the Hidden class [Arms Master]!

"PING!" You have the qualifications to attain the Hidden class [Spirit Hunter]!

Would you like to Class up?

Hayashi used [Harvest] to clean out the treasure room of every coin, weapon, and treasure as he got a notification list of his newly obtained loot.

"Hey old man, you won't try anything right?"

"Of course not, I'm now a ghost I can do nothing to stop you..."


Hayashi nods to the system.

"Class up!"

"PING!" Achievement: Dual Evolution!

An immense pain went through his body as he groaned and tried to breathe only able to make the sounds of someone who was struggling to breathe.

"Agh! AHHHH!!!"

Energy erratically burst from the boy's body as the pain was mind-numbing to the point where he lost consciousness for a few minutes but focused on himself.

"I- I can't lose here!" Hayashi struggled to get up as a purple aura suddenly filled his body and he was able to breathe again.

"PING!" Class up Complete! [Hunter]>>[Spirit Hunter] [Muntionist]>>[Arms Master] All skills have been re-integrated! You have developed the trait [Crystalize]! You have learned [Spirit Ki]

Hayashi smiled and looked at his skills.

"System! Skills!"


[Spirit Hunter] skills

Spirit Manifest: Manifest spirit bodies made from spiritual wisps to fight with you

Spirit Sacrifice: Sacrifice a manifested spirit body for buffs, debuffs, or attacks. You may also wear their spirit rings to learn a skill temporarily and allows spirit transmutation

Spirit Cross: Form a cross made from spirit energy to enhance the range, power, and accuracy of ranged weapons

Harvest Moon: A small moon appears behind the user to store items and spirit husks, the moon will be able to store more items as this skill levels up.

Blitz: attack your enemies with blinding speed and fast strikes

Multi-strike: Strike multiple enemies at once, each strike increases your CRIT, Form strike chains to increase maximum power

Shatter-Shot: shots that successfully hit the target will shatter and cause a second burst of damage

Area Morale: Increase the morale of yourself and your allies boosting all stats by 12

Swift Step: Increase the speed of the caster

BLOODLUST: Show your killing intent to your enemies, targets with lower INT than the user will be affected more than those with higher INT stat

Spirit Blade: create an aura of spirit energy around your blade

Fighting Spirit: Increasing power and concentration may augment certain skills. Special effect: Knocks back enemies and nullifies ailments once by using [Discharge]

Hunter's mark: weak points are marked on a target, and critical hits are guaranteed when hit.

Apex Sight: the user is granted the sight of an apex predator; appraisal, spirit and enemy sight, farsight, and weak point targeting are granted

7 Elements Pact-applies elemental buff on the caster, increases elemental damage and resistance

[Arms Master] Skills:

Master Mode: Raise weapon proficiencies to MAX level, may use proficiency-based skills for 3 minutes

Create Arms: Create weapons from resources on hand

Create Munitions: Create Ammunition from resources on hand

Area: Enhance arms: Double the stats of all allied weapons

Area: Enhance Munitions: Double the stats of all allied ammo

Area: Enhance Armors: Double defensive power of all allied armor

Repair: Repair weapons, armor, and vehicles

Refine: use spirit ki to refine the rough spots of weapon and armor


Spirit Arrow: Create an arrow made of spirit energy to strike down your target, you may create variants of this skill

PERK: Crystalize: ???

EX skills

Dual Body mutation Technique-mutates the muscles and body the longer its used, effects disappear after the fight is over

Flash Dynasty martial arts: A martial art made for utilizing fast hard strikes

Ki breathing- Breathing technique for utilizing ki energy

"Damn...Before I knew it, I racked up too many skills...but I also got enough treasure, weapons, and skills to help everyone. Even with a few awakening scrolls and skill books, the gold isn't that valuable yet however..." Hayashi looks at his hand and noticed a drawing of a flame in a magic circle. The Spirit Crest: a bound item of every spirit hunter is specifically made for storing spirit husks and manifested spirits. and the mark that showed he was being hunted even completely disappeared.

"Hey, you think you can get me home?"

The old ghost sighs before shooing him away and disappearing as a stone circle would be where he pointed. Hayashi got into the ring and thought of the school he had as a base and in an instant was teleported there only to find the bodies of hundreds of zombies and only a tiny group of awakeners standing triumphantly as they were about to undergo revolutions.

"Everyone!" Hayashi ran over to the other awakeners they all turned around

"Where were you!?" Nishiwaka rushed Hayashi

There are apocalyptic dungeons, I got trapped in one!" He said

"This is an RPG I swear!"

"Skill books, weapons, and all!" Hayashi said bringing out a few skill books for everyone.

Hayashi threw a book to Yoshida.

"I couldn't find much for shield-bearing classes but I did find this."

"Eh It's ok, I just wonder what the skill does..."

"Read it, it tells you, I can't open the book"

"What? your afraid to read now?"

"Don't ever make a joke like that again-" Hayashi bonked his head softly

"Yeah yeah" Yoshida rolled his eyes

He opens the book and the book floats before hitting Yoshida's shield before it dissolves.


"I got a new skill!" Yoshida looked eager to test it and ran toward the gate to test the new skill.

"Hold your damn horses, Yoshida! Let everyone else get a chance to learn some new skills!"

Hayashi held him back, now noticing multicolored wisps fitting the description of what his Spirit Brand could absorb. He held his hand out to the others, handing them all a skill book, each of them reading and gaining their new skills, along with the ability to class up, The Mizuki siblings were standing with both of their blades down in the ground, but Hayashi could see that there was something wrong with two siblings, both their eyes were blurred as if punch drunk, unconscious and reacting by complete instinct. The two had awakened, but not as awakeners, but as something else, Hayashi noticed a glowing chain that connected the two in their unconscious states as Hayashi utters one single word.


The two siblings fell, eyes now closed as Hayashi quickly caught them.

"Someone! Help me carry these two, They're unconscious"

"Damn. Those two fought hard for two people without powers..." Chiyo said as she picked up Ichika

"Mhm..." Hayashi had Genji slack in his arms as they all lugged back to the school building and put him on a bed, locking it from the inside to prevent any zombies from breaking through, Hayashi would go out the window and go toward the gate, and from there would activate his power.

"[Harvest Moon]"

A moon-like entity came and absorbed every resource from all the zombies around them until the undead had been turned to dust, his system notifications showed up from all the loot he gained until he noticed a red system window.

Hayashi walked out of the building only to notice a small team of people bump into him.

"Agh!" Hayashi falls along with another person before getting up and moving back quickly, he had subconsciously activated [Apex Sight] and summoned [Ballista] to his hand.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Relax! We mean no harm! We just wanted to escape! a large zombie is chasing us all!"

"Then why didn't you defeat it?"

"We're Normal humans how could we defeat something like-"

"Bullshit!" Hayashi yelled. "I know damn well your all Awakeners!"

"Awakeners?" a girl asked

"Someone who developed a special power of sorts!"

The large zombie had made its way to the three strangers it was chasing as the zombie roared.

"Tsk...A Pursuer" Hayashi said, now arming his slingshot

"You can't take something like that down! It's impossible!"

Hayashi ignored them and shot at the zombie, targeting its eyes.

[Spirit Cross]

A cross of spirit energy formed around the slingshot as he fired providing energy to the pellet that was released, the large zombie had run at them and stopped dead in its tracks before dropping on the floor face first.

"PING!" Exp +200

[Harvest Moon]

Hayashi put his hand to the sky before making the zombie wither into dust, harvesting all of the materials he could.

"PING!" Acquired Cloth x6,Brick x2,Zombie Fang x6, Meat Cleaver x1

"Impossible to defeat it still?"

Hayashi had looked at the three who looked at him in amazement and fear

"Now you three, names and classes, now."

Hayashi had used Bloodlust to maximize his chances of getting information out of them

"Sakai Chiharu, [Shadow Hunter]"

"Sakai Chiko, [Hyotan User]"

"A-Abe Niko Class [Ember Witch]" The small girl hid behind the two brothers

"Ah, that explains why you said your normal people."

"What do you mean by that!?" Chiko started to get aggressive

"You're normal not only because you've never killed a zombie but also because none of you have a catalyst to bring out your power."

"We killed a zombie before, but nothing happened..."

"What did you kill it with?"

"a kitchen knife..."

"No wonder... Alright, I can make you weapons, but you have to promise me you won't try to attack anyone in my shelter."

"We promise, we have no intent on hurting anyone, "Chiko said before Hayashi puts a hand on his head and uses one of his abilities.

"[Create Arms]"

A gourd, staff, and slingshot dagger all fell to the ground in front of Hayashi's feet. before each of them picked up a respective weapon.

"How does it feel?"

[Dark Cross]

Chiharu coated the weapon in dark energy before it dissipated.

"It feels natural...but I can't release my dark cross...I think it's a long ranged skill..."


Hayashi tossed something to Chiharu

"What's this!?"

"Calm down mutt. That's a mold for making metal balls, for your slingshot. just find a way to melt down some metal and place it in the deposits and wait for them to cool down, or you can use clay instead."


"Okay you three, where are you off to next?"

"A place called Shelter 5"

"Shelter 5?"