"Gokigen'you, Claire-sama!"
Entering the lecture hall, I saw Claire-sama sitting with her followers in the front row and merrily went to greet her.
Those who've experienced attending a Japanese university can think of its size as a standard lecture hall.
In front is a blackboard and a lectern.
When I tried approaching Claire-sama, her followers blocked my path.
"Could you not address her so familiarly? We live in a different world than you. Right, Claire-sama?"
One of her followers declared in a spiteful voice.
Starting with her, other followers started mocking me.
"Ah. I have no business with followers like you. I'm talking to Claire-sama. Now, Claire-sama, gokigen'you?"
"Wha!? Insolent! Who do you think I am. Cugletto house has been serving François house for generations――"
"That's why, followers?"
"C, Claire-sama…"
A certain girl of Cugletto house clung to Claire-sama in tears.
What a wimp.
"This commoner… Are you not getting carried away? I have no words for you. In the first place, gokigen'you is used as a farewell address――"
And so on.
Ah, this is it.
After all, her followers were not enough.
Claire-sama's disparagement is the best.
By the way, there are various opinions about the usage of gokigen'you, in modern Japan there's no problem at all using it instead of good morning or good afternoon.
"Ultimately, after being called out, it was Claire-sama who politely taught me the correct usage. I like you"
"Y, you are annoying! You, are you teasing me!?"
"Affirmation with all your might!?"
What a nice reaction.
I'm happy today as well.
"Do not run wild, Rei. Good morning, Claire-sama"
Because Misha violently caught the nape of my neck, I couldn't approach Claire-sama anymore.
"Let me go, Misha. I've been toying with Claire-sama just now"
"Would it not at least be 'playing with'!?"
Claire-sama certainly has a tsukkomi talent, doesn't she?
"That's why, please be ready for it"
My head was slapped by Misha.
"Misha… You, you need to properly discipline your pet cat"
"Claire-sama, Rei isn't really my pet"
"Rather, I'd like to be kept by Claire-sama"
"Could you please be silent for a moment!?"
After screaming, Claire-sama began heavily panting.
She's a little tired, right?
"Claire-sama, you are listless from the morning? Let's cheer up"
"Whose fault do you think it is!? Never mind that, so go away!"
I expressed how regretful I found it.
"You are doing interesting things since morning"
A soft tenor resounded.
"Good morning, Claire. I haven't seen you lose composure in a long time"
The one who giggled and smiled is the Third Prince of this country, Yuu Bauer.
It's not only his title, his atmosphere and appearance are truly those of a prince.
Soft, unruly, blond hair and a cheerful, kind smile.
He's thoroughly a prince, even his voice befitting it.
Yuu-sama is one of the capture targets in 「Revolution」.
With his prince looks, he was the second most popular among the three capturable characters.
Things like "Cute" "I want to protect him" "Rather, I want him as my husband" were said about him.
"Yuu-sama, it is different from what you think! This commo… Rei-san was acting impolitely, so I only advised her"
"Is that so?"
Yuu-sama turned his gaze to me.
"No. I was anything but impolite, I was expressing my love"
"What are you talking about!?"
When Claire-sama unintentionally raised her voice again, Yuu-sama laughed, amused.
"Rei Taylor, hm. If I'm not mistaken, you are the top student who enrolled this year. I've thought you'd be a child who does nothing but study, but you're quite an interesting child"
"Why, thank you"
I'm not particularly interested in Yuu-sama.
I replied with a curt greeting.
"Rei, you're being impolite. Good morning, Yuu-sama"
Misha lightly rebuked me and greeted Yuu-sama.
"Misha, huh. Morning"
When he noticed Misha, he greeted her in a friendly way.
Yuu-sama is fundamentally amiable to everyone, but Misha is special.
Misha and Yuu-sama are childhood friends.
Before her house fell to ruin they had been quite close to each other, as a matter of fact Misha still secretly longs for him.
In Yuu-sama's route, besides struggling with Claire-sama's harassment, the protagonist wavers due to a conflict between the friendship with Misha and feelings towards Yuu-sama.
It was said to be the best scenario.
"Excuse Rei's impoliteness. I will talk to her properly afterwards"
"There's no problem. Rather, couldn't Misha act more familiarly with me? Everyone in the academy is equal"
"… I will think about it"
And so on, the meaningful conversation progressed.
"Claire-sama, how do you feel? Do you think the old love blazed anew between them?"
"Why are your ideas so vulgar every time…"
I busied myself playing with Claire-sama.