
Chapter 9: Freedom of occupation choice.

Although I'm exempt from tuition fees thanks to the scholarship system, naturally aside from them there are all kinds of expenses.

Because the heroine's parents are poor of course I can't expect an allowance.

Speaking of what I can do, there's a part-time job.

Fundamentally, the lectures in the academy finish in the morning, so I can set aside the afternoon for a part-time job.

Because in the game the protagonist's status changes with her part-time job, which one to choose is quite an important matter.

"It is rejected"

"Is there no way"

"I told you, it is rejected!"

As for what I'm doing right now, I'm having an interview for the position of a maid of Claire-sama's, François, house.

From the start children of respectable families have been permitted to bring two maids to the academy.

Although the system is practically meaningless for scholarship students who don't have money to waste, for me it has a strong meaning.

If I become a maid, I'll have a good reason to be close to Claire-sama.

Claire-sama is also present for the interview.

Normally, the head maid would manage human resources by herself, but there's a reason Claire-sama is here.

I had declared I'd apply in advance.

"Claire-sama. Is this person absolutely impossible? Despite everything, she stands out in terms of ability…"

People who apply to become maids are naturally not nobles but commoners.

As I mentioned earlier during the test, very few commoners have the knowledge of the etiquette.

Although I'm inferior compared to genuine nobles, with my moderate knowledge I seem to be a valuable candidate for a maid.

What's more, because I have magical powers I can also offer my protection.

"Her personality is much too difficult! If I had to be with such a maid all the time, my heart would have no time to rest!"

"However, her loyalty seems to be extremely strong"

"Head maid, it's not loyalty. It's love"

"I cannot have such a maid on my side!"

And so on, the loud complaining continued.

"What's the matter, it's noisy"



A man with swept-back blond hair like Claire-sama's entered the room.

His medium build doesn't stand out, but what he's wearing is first class.

His mustached countenance gives him an invariably pompous atmosphere.

This man is the head of François house and Claire-sama's father, Dor François-sama.

Dor-sama is the third most important person in the country, the Minister of Finance, and has the most aristocratic influence.

He's on the forefront of the opposition to meritocracy, it's not an exaggeration to say he's a thorn in the King's side.

In the game his behavior is for better or worse that of a noble, he respects tradition and status more than anything.

"I am selecting a maid to attach to Milady at the academy, it appears the maid I have selected is not to Milady's liking"

"Hmm. If head maid chose her, there's no problem with her ability, why do you disagree Claire?"

"Her personality is much too troublesome. She is always teasing me…"

"Hmm… Reverence for her master is essential for a maid. Head maid, is her attitude not inappropriate?"

By the way, Dor-sama dotes on Claire-sama.

There's no doubt Dor-sama is one of the reasons behind her arrogant personality.

"There is no such thing. The reason behind this person's application is wanting to serve Milady. It is clearly different from commoners wanting to work for money"

"She might just be saying that"

"When asked how she would serve Milady were she accepted as her maid, a very devoted and concrete answer came back. I cannot think she did not mean that"

Hmm, Dor-sama is again pondering.

"However, ultimately it depends on whether Claire will be pleased with her or not. If Claire finds her unpleasant, we should not hire her"

"That… You are right"

"As expected of Father!"

"Your Excellency François. Please forgive me for speaking disrespectfully"

Seeing the situation take a turn for the worse, I decided to play my card.

My statement made Dor-sama frown.

"Why is a lowly commoner speaking to a noble and the Minister of Finance? Claire's judgement seems to be not incorrect. Such rudeness――"

"Irvine Manuel"

The instant I mentioned that name, temperature disappeared from Dor-sama's expression.

He's showing a scornful smile, but his eyes aren't smiling in the slightest.

"Who might that be?"

"The third of March, five hundred thousand gold"

Dor-sama kept his pose that's saying he has no idea who that is and kept silent as my words flowed.


"Claire, head maid. Could you let me be alone with this person for a while"

"Such a thing cannot be done! At least a guard――"

"It's an order"

When told so, head maid could do nothing to oppose.

"I cannot remain here either?"

"Sorry, Claire. There's a little something I want to confirm, be patient"

"… I understand"

Hearing Dor-sama's coaxing voice, Claire-sama also reluctantly left the room.

"Now then… Who are you? What do you know?"

Dor-sama asked me in a strict tone that was completely different from what he used with Claire-sama.

Depending on my answer, I won't be able to return from this mansion alive.

But, my life has a great purpose, admiring Claire-sama.

I can't die here.

I talked with Dor-sama for thirty minutes.


"Accept this person as Claire's maid"

After we finished talking and Dor-sama invited the head maid and Claire-sama, that was the very first thing he said.

"Why would you say that!?"

"This person can be trusted. She's suitable to be Claire's maid"

"I cannot agree! You, what did you say to father!?"

"Nothing special. If I must say, I spoke of my love for Claire-sama"

"Do not make fun of me!?"

Claire-sama is heating up more than usual.

Well, it's understandable.

Her father, who was on her side a short time ago, suddenly changed sides.

"Father, how can you say you will place such a person on my side!?"

"We talked and this person's loyalty to Claire is genuine?"

"Her actions are impure! This person only plays with and teases me!?"


The tone of Dor-sama's voice dropped a little.

When an old fox politician like Dor-sama does that, the impact is impressive.

"It would be simple to put an obedient person on your side. As the eldest daughter of François house, show you can hold the reins of such an unmanageable person"


Claire-sama is weak to her position as the eldest daughter of François house being brought up.

He's truly her father.

He understands how to handle Claire-sama.

"Are you saying you will hire this person no matter what?"

"That's right"

"… I understand"

Claire-sama still seems dissatisfied, nevertheless she raised her chin and declared.

"Now that you have become my maid, what I say is absolute!? Be prepared!"

"Thank you! I will do my best!"

Like that, I officially obtained the position of Claire-sama's maid.

What I said to Dor-sama is a secret for now.