The Letter from No One

A day had gone and passed, it was now the evening of the following day. 

Nothing important happened during the day. I had slept until noon, and then I did some garden picking with Celia, and before I knew it, the time flew by and we were having a kind of Stew for dinner.

"I'll help you clean up after we eat, Celia." I told her,  she smiled and replied,

"Thank you Crystal, but I got dishes covered, it was such a great day spending time with you, you're such a lovely friend and I am really happy you are here with us."

Elliot looked over at me and smiled, and I chuckled,

"Aweh, thank you Celia, that was very nice of you to say. You're pretty sweet."

"I know," and she jumped down off her chair and began clearing the table. She glanced at Elliot and gestured him to take me upstairs, so that we could talk.

"Thanks for helping with the dishes Celia." He said.

He grabbed for my hand, and even though I was not really enthused to take it, I did, and he lead me upstairs to his room.

We better not be doing anything, or else he is going to be in so much pain.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Elliot looked over at me, as if he knew I was thinking bad thoughts."

"Nothing, what are you thinking about?" I asked back.

"Clearly, about the letter you want to know so much about, why? Am I suppse to be thinking about something else."

"Haha, well of course not, there wouldn't be anything else I was thinking about. Hmph." I answered.

Elliot grabbed a small envelope out of his dresser and raised it up where I could see from the bed.

I was still in shock that Elliot received an anonymous letter regarding me and my sister and wanted to know who wrote it as well, who had sent it to him.

"Why would someone out of the blue, just give you a letter about me and my sis, it just doesn't make any sense. We don't even know each other?"

"Beats the hell out of me, I was surprised myself when I had picked it up from the mail box."

He showed me the envelope, while sitting beside me on the bed.

"That's it? I asked.

"This is what I am talking about. There is just my name written on the front, but that's it. No returning address, no name, it was simply just my name and address." He said.

Elliot began to read what the letter enclosed.


I understand you must look after your sister and the farm house that you bought, but there is a very special and talented young lady along with her younger sister, who will soon need your help. They are from the world called Earth, it is almost like this world, but different, as there are no traces of magic there. These two girls are in grave danger and without your help this world you live in will suffer greatly. 

This young lady is not just any girl, she's Princess, Crystal Maysh and once she comes of age she will be known there, as the Queen. She will be the defender of this world, against the mighty force of Shayde Howler and the evil that is spreading throughout the four Kingdoms. I know that this is a huge and rather tedious task, but please, you must save them before it's too late. I know you have wanted to get away from it all, but time is of the essence.

Her memories were erased to keep her safe, but I have reports that somehow Howler is using his black magic to seep into her world and invade her dreams. The more he does this, the more he'll be able to get stronger and weaken her, while he's at it. You must stop this at all costs, you must bring her and her sister here into our world and safely deliver them to The Kingdom of Knowledge. There you will find the old Sage and she will know exactly what to do.

Here is the spell to get through your bathroom mirror, it's an old trick some of us used when we were kids. I don't have much time for more details. Please, Elliot, once you achieve your objective, you must tell Crystal everything you know and then make the journey to the Kingdom of Knowledge. Serenity can stay with you and your sister while Crystal goes to train. 

Yet, If Shayde gets to Crystal anytime before the journey, she won't have a chance to defeat him. You got to stay in contact with her at all times, this is important because, if anything comes up, you have to be there for her. Now, about Serenity, we don't know what she can do, she may seem human, but I believe there is something more to her. Keep an eye out for anything unusual about her as well.

Keep them safe for me, thank you Elliot.

Ps. Here is the Spell

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Here lies the Maysh's call,

Grant me now to see them clearer,

Show me a Maysh, Mirror, Mirror.

"That's all they said. No name; nothing. Just the spell that would let me see you and I guess ended up letting you go through the mirror itself to our world." Elliot softly spoke.

I was silent. I didn't know if I wanted to be happy that he was meant to be our protector or angry that he did not save my sister. The letter specifically said the both of us, yet he only retrieved me.

How could I have let that happen. I should have stopped them from taking her.

"Crystal, tell me what you are thinking. I am not a mind reader?" Elliot seemed very worried.

My sister is gone. Plain and simple. It's so obvious and yet, he seems to not give a damn.

"Elliot, I really do not know what to say at this moment. To be honest, I wish to be left alone. Taking all this in is stressful enough and I just don't really know how to explain how I am feeling. So, please leave me be and we'll continue this conversation later." I replied.

I feel bad, but I really need time to think.

"Crystal. I am sorry, okay. I really am. Be thankful you're here and not with them. I understand your sister is all you have left, but if you were taken all would be lost." Elliot breathed rather deeply.

"I know Elliot. I know. I just can't deal with this right now." I sighed

It wouldn't be lost, I would have severely kick their butts to Timbuktu.

Elliot was at the entrance to his room and said,

"We'll figure a way to get Serenity back, whether you had training or not. I won't stop, like the letter mentioned, I have a job to do and I will uphold to that. I know you can't seem to think straight, but just hear me out. I didn't think I was meant for anything before this came along. I am just a nobody. I got stripped of my powers, I feel useless."

"I thought you are a farmer? Farmers shouldn't have any powers, do they?

"This one did, and he got most of them stripped from him."

"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know."

"How can I be a protector without powers. I mean I have a very little amount remaining, but I used to be stronger than this. I don't need you to understand fully, but more than anything I am going to be here for you and your sister. I promise Crystal. I promise you, we will get Serenity back."

"I have a hard time believing anything right now. I need to process this all, I am sorry Elliot."

He nodded and slowly closed the door behind him. 

Finally I was left alone.

I noticed beside the bed, there was a note, I hadn't even noticed it there before and I reached for it.

Crystal, I found this out in the field. It might still work, although, I am not quite sure. I do not think we get reception way up here. We do have cellular devices, mind you, more or less like in your world, but it's not quite the same here.

                                                                                                                                                 - Celia.

Looking at the phone in my hands, and just thinking how this was the bane of my existence back home. I was always texting someone, or I was always calling people and using it to get food delivered, or whatever. To think there is more to life than this, actually better yet, a whole other dimension.  It is so hard to believe. I only wish I could talk to my parents, I wonder what they would say right now, if I could. Well, anyways, It's not like I can do anything with it right now, as it is completely dead.

As I was going to place it back on the night-table, I dropped the phone, and it crashed upon the ground. My hands were viciously shaking and my body was going numb. It was painful and not like last time. I wasn't transforming or anything, that I was certain of. No, this felt like I was being choked, as I could feel my lungs starting to cave in. What is this strange feeling? I have no control over my body right now. My air is being sucked out of me, and it's like I am seriously choking. 

Am I going to die? 

The room began spinning, and I was trying to gasp for air. I tried calling out for Elliot, but my voice was gone, and if felt like my air was depleting. All I could do was hear my own heart beating faster within my chest, and hearing my thoughts louder in my head. I tried reaching for the night-table, in hopes to grab ahold of the lamp and smash it to the ground to get Elliot's attention, but it was not use.

Is this it? Is this my fate?

 I cannot speak and I began feeling more weak by the minute and now my legs have given out and I flopped back on the bed. I couldn't move from this spot and my eyes began to feel heavy; sleepy even. I can't die here. Elliot please help me, but nothing was coming out of my mouth.

If only he could hear me. I don't want to go...