I leave my throne room and head back to my room to remove my robe and get into some grey sweat pants and a black fitted, v-neck Tee.
I went to my mirror and checked out my fit while saying,
"Damn I look good. What's the occasion you ask? Just heard Crystal is in our world, and I am going to invade her little mind and find out where she has been hiding."
I left my room and headed to the science lab where Doc. Serantro will most likely be held up hopefully creating a cure for Crystal's little sister.
I sauntered in, gleaming from ear to ear and the Doc looked very confused.
"Sir? What is going on. There is definitely something off about you. Have you taken anything?" Doctor Serantro asked.
I put my arms around the doctor's shoulders and replied,
"I am not stressed Doc, I am merely over-joyed from the news I received today and I think we need to celebrate with some drinks later."
"Why is that Sir, should I be worried. I cannot read your mind. What is going on?" Doctor Serantro asked.
"No, no, nothing to be worried about at all Doc, it's come to my attention that a certain someone might be in our world."
"Oh, who is it Sir?"
"Well, Kalcaber came to my room earlier and said she is here."
"Wait, Kalcaber, came all the way to our Kingdom. For what? Isn't he supposed to be running headquarters?"
I looked at him, a little annoyed he didn't fully get what I was trying to say and I responded,
"Did you not just hear what I said? She is her Doc! She is in our world!"
"She, sir? What are you going on about?"
I sighed, I gotta give him props, he is the best at science and all, but not picking up on social ques.
"Crystal, she is here, Doc! Isn't this wonderful news? Now, to locate her exact whereabouts. I can sense her aura, but sadly, it is faint, perhaps she is in an area where my power cannot reach."
"Wow, sir, that is great news indeed. I wonder how she got here though. I don't recall the Maysh's having a secret portal or hidden door to get into this realm?"
I licked my lips seductively, just the thought of being close to her made me feel ecstatic. This cannot be happening, but my wish has come true. The fact she is in our realm makes her being my queen more surreal. I might have an idea on how she got here, but I'll keep that quiet for now.
"At this current time, I do not care how she got here. I need her here with me, now."
"Sir, may I remind you, that you are not at your full strength, thus trying to infiltrate Crystal's mind will not be the best idea for you right now. Perhaps you should consider this and wait until later."
He was not wrong, knowing for a fact that I have been exerting my powers lately, and I should wait. Yet, I needed to see her, I wanted nothing more to seep into her pretty little head and bestow myself to her one last time, before seeing her in person.
"Silence Serantro! I know my limits, but at the same time, this could be my chance to find out where she is, so I can finally capture her. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for the day I have her in my arms."
It is truly something for her to be here, but I'll play it, like I don't know that she's in our world, that way she doesn't get any bright ideas of escaping. It will be extremely difficult for me to act all serious and lie to her, but perhaps she'll slip up and tell me her whereabouts.
"The suspense is killing me, I just need to see her. Are you ready, Doc?"
"Okay, Sir. I'll check your vital signs when you are asleep; do be careful because, you're only using half of your full strength. If you were at full capacity I wouldn't need to be here. So, please refrain from reaching for your pants when you made contact with her."
"Haha, very funny Doc, your sense of humor never ceases to fail me."
Kalcaber's henchmen will probably find her before I can, but nonetheless this will be bittersweet.
Doc looks at me for the go ahead, and I said,
"I understand, let's do this," and I closed my eyes.
Opening the door to the dungeon, I smell a sweet aroma of perfume. It was strong, but it was lovely. I walked down the steps and while I did I said,
"Crystal, my sweet beloved. We meet again and every time is a lovely pleasure. I cannot wait to see you in person, it will be such a delight and frankly, in real life you're probably even more beautiful in the flesh." I said with a desperate, but, cocky voice.
"Why do you keep capturing me like this? If you want me as your Queen, wouldn't you show some gentleman qualities and treat me with more respect. I mean out of curiosity, I don't think it proper to treat your future queen like a peasant." Crystal said with some sass.
I could tell she was very irritated, but i found it to be hot as hell.
"Ha, gentlemen qualities? More respect? I do no such things. Sorry to disappoint you my darling, but those are for nice Kings that do as their told, like what you read in fairytales. I'm a very naughty King and I always get what I want, and how I want it. That means you must obey or there will be consequences and I wouldn't want you to have to endure any of those." I said with a laugh.
"I am not being your Queen, unless we make some compromises."
"Oh? What are you suggesting my dear?" I began to get annoyed by her stalling, but I was intrigued of what she had to say.
"First of all, if my sister dies, I will not be your queen. If you manage to keep her alive, she must be well fed and un-harmed. Second of all, I must be able to roam in and outside the walls of your trashy, fucking castle, because I'd be bored otherwise and lastly no anal and if I do not want sex, you cannot force it upon me."
"I can't guaranteed your sister will live. We are working on creating a cure for the poison as we speak. Although, if we cure her, she will not be harmed and in good hospitality. You will be able to roam the castle walls and outside, but there be a tracker on you as to where you are. Fine, no anal, but you cannot say you don't feel like having sex everyday. So, you must agree with the 1st day, the middle day and the relaxing days."
"Huh? What does that even mean?" Crystal said in confusion.
I had to put it in simpler terms for her to understand, she does come from another world after-all.
"Think of it like, Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Sunday in your world." I sneered and got close to her.
"I find that highly unfair, but I guess I have no choice." Crystal sighed.
I proceed to open her cell. She tried to move away but I grabbed the chains and pulled her closer to me, you could say I was invading her personal bubble. I began kissing her neck, she tried so hard to resist and yet, the more she yanked on her chain to move away from me, the more it turned me on.
You could say, I was getting a bit hard.
"Crystal, my darling, there will be times where I won't want it or have important things to attend to. Don't worry love, I can be nice if I want to."
I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her on the forehead. She smelt sweet like candy and her fairy essence was so strong; oh I can't wait till she's mine.
I look down at her leg and there was something I haven't seen for awhile; but how in the blazes did she get it?
"Where did you get this?" I said, while tugging on the scarf that bandaged a nasty scrape on her leg.
"This? It's nothing. I am such a klutz. I bashed it on the bathroom sink." Crystal replied.
"No, I am not talking about how you managed to wound yourself, although your fairy powers should heal that in no time. I was talking about the scarf. Where did you get this?" I angrily asked.
She looked down at the scarf. She went silent and I had no time for her to stall any longer.
"Tell me Crystal, I don't have the patience to play your little games."
I put my hand on her wound and saw the pain course through her entire body. Perhaps this way she'll listen to me. Even though I hate to see her like this, but I need to know.
"I have a feeling, you've seen this before. Judging from your attitude towards this scarf, you should tell me first. By all means I'd love for you to share why you are going all crazy about this stupid scarf." Crystal said almost crying.
"Enough Crystal. Tell me where it's from or you will never see your precious sister again." I snarled and unfortunately pushed deeper into her wound.
I could see the tears fall down her beautiful cheeks, but, she needs to learn her lesson, that she cannot defy me.
"Okay, okay. I'll tell you, Shayde Howler." Crystal smiled.
She knows my name? How is this possible?
There is no way, unless...