Dark Magic’s Kiss

"You okay Crystal?" Jason stared at me with a concerned look.

I straightened out, getting out of my thoughts and answered,

"Yeah, I am just peachy." My sarcastic tone rumbled through the room.

Shayde glared at me and grabbed me by my throat and pushed me up against the wall.

"Sweetie, do you know how much I hate your constant attitude? Don't worry, you'll have your sister back in full health, in no time. If you keep this attitude up, you will understand your place and I'll personally make sure you do."

"I will never stop giving attitude. It runs in my blood and I don't give a damn about your rules. You have no say over me." I gasped while I answered.

He kissed me, hard, and I tried to resist, but I was being held literally by my throat and if I had moved away, I would only be inflicting pain on myself.

After what felt like a century, he let me go, while licking his lips and expressed,

I could kiss your soft, flavorful lips all day, but unfortunately, we have unprecedented matters to resolve. Therefore, I am going to leave you in the care of Jason, while I leave the room to have a little chat over the phone with my brother." Shayde said as he grazed my cheek with his hand.

It is gross, like, I can't stand his audacity to continue to touch me.

"You're going to talk with him when you made up your mind to execute him?" I questioned in amazement.

Everyone in the room gave me this 'you're in trouble this time' and Shayde finally broke the silence. 

"Of course. Why would you even ask that? You wanted me to save your sister, don't you?"

"Well, yeah," I replied.

"Then what's the issue?" Shayde asked.

"Nothing. I was just dumbfounded that's all. Don't mind me." I answered as I stayed back against the wall.

Weird, this is all too weird, because if Shayde's henchmen brought Elliot here, why does Shayde need to call him? It does not make any sense, unless, he is being lazy, and does not want to take a trip down to the cellar where he had continuously gone down to see me.

Shayde left the room and my head began to swirl; something came over me and I knelt on the floor.

What's happening to me, I felt my insides burning with rage. As if my werewolf aura is trying to tell me something, but I -

"Crystal? What are you doing? What's happening?" Jason came over to my side.

"You're the doctor aren't you? I slyly said.

"Shut up you whore." Jason angrily said and gave me something for my head.

"While the boss is talking with his brother, maybe we should have some fun," Jason said.

He came close to me while I was still on the ground and he picked me up. I struggled to get out of his hold, he had some pretty big guns underneath that white trench coat.

He began licking my ear and down to the nape of my neck and that's when I screamed,

"Get off of me you fucking pig!"

In hopes that Shayde would hear my belting cry, I shoved Jason aside. Sure enough, in no time the door swung open and Shayde came in looking rather annoyed.

"I had to cut the call short because someone was screaming." He looked at me and Jason.

Immediately before Jason could defend himself, I beat him to the punch.

"Shayde, he was touching me and licking my ear. He wanted to have some fun, while you were talking with Elliot."

"You bitch!" Jason called out.

"Silence, both of you," and Shayde shot Jason a maleficent glare as he continued,

"Is this true Jason? Did you stick your tongue up on my Queen?"

"Sir, forgive me, please. The urge of seducing her was very strong and I couldn't help myself. She is intoxicating and beautiful. I have known her since she was a little girl, you can't expect me to stay still, master. I can see why you would want her so bad."

All of a sudden I felt an overwhelming surge of power and I felt like I couldn't breathe, it was intense. I fell to my knees, again, but this time it was because this aura was heavy.

My insides were screaming at me, I have never felt such a massive power as this, ever.

In front of me, Shayde turned into midnight, black wolf.

He bared his wolf teeth at Jason, and he too then changed into a wolf baring his teeth also, and Shayde angrily growled,

"Get out of my fucking sight right now, or so help me you won't be alive to see another day."

"Sir, you could share her amongst our clan, you're selfish to keep her all to yourself."

"Don't talk to your alpha like that. How dare you. I will deal with you later!"

He's the Alpha, it all makes sense now, that is why my body hurts. The werewolf in me can feel his authority and his malice.

He lunged at Jason, and pushed him towards to door,

"GET OUT." Shayde barked.

Just before Shayde could attack once more, Jason scurried with his tail behind his legs out the door, not once looking back.

There was a huge sigh and Shayde turned to me and said,

"Well, now, that's over and done with. I hope he did not hurt you. Although, I wanted to show you my real self later on, perhaps once we're married, l needed to put him in his place."

"He did not hurt me, but he had horrible intentions, but I wonder where he learnt that from?"

He was unenthused of my comment and continued, ignoring me completely,

"As alpha, I have to make sure to keep my pack in line and rest assured, your sister will be okay. Elliot has accepted to help you and as much as I dislike it; wishing there was another way, I must be patient and endure it. Then I will kill him, as he'll no longer be any use to me."

He transformed back into his human form and all I could render was,

"Elliot is coming here? Right now?"

I don't know what to think or how to think right now. I knew something was off about Shayde, I just didn't know he'd be a full-on werewolf. All I know is my priority is saving my sister and if that means kissing Elliot in hopes of finding my fairy powers, then so be it. I don't like the idea at all, but I mean, do I have any other choice?

"Yes, he told me his arrival will be in the next few hours, my henchman will have him here through "portal transportation. I am not thrilled about this entire plan, Yet, I must admit, if he can help you open up your fairy magic deep inside you, then so be it."

He gently picked me off the floor and also said,

"I guess, I will bring you back to my room, for the time being, that way I know you won't get any ideas of escaping."

I looked at the clock that hung on the wall to the left of Serenity's bed. Her body lying there lifelessly, and slowly dying as we speak.

I don't want to leave her.

I didn't want to be cooped up in Shayde's room all day, so I requested to stay with my sister so that I wouldn't cause any trouble. At first, he was wary about leaving me alone with her, but he approved and told me he'd be back soon.

Thank god! I seriously didn't want to be in his bedroom, let alone his bed, especially of all the times he could have been doing it himself, thinking of me...

He closed the door behind him and just like that, I and my sister were alone, and the silence was truly deafening.

I wish I could tap into my fairy powers right now and escape with her, but unfortunately, I couldn't. I laid my head against her arm and soon, I had fallen asleep.

Not long after, I was shaken awake and I sprung up.


I looked up and realized it was one of Shayde's henchmen, Desmond, and I quickly glanced at the clock and it was already 5 pm.

"Shayde is talking with his brother as we speak. He has chosen not to be here while you kiss Elliot. Perhaps, reasons of jealousy I suppose. So, sit tight, it won't be too long now."

The time has come, I can't believe Elliot and I have to kiss.

Then I see him.

At the doorway stood Elliot and his features were outlined perfectly in the room's light. His head was down as he walked toward us. Desmond left the room looking back at Elliot and then closed the door behind him.

I knew he felt helpless. I mean he couldn't even save me and my sister, I can only imagine how he feels about his little sister being captured as well.

"I am sorry Crystal, for everything. I know this must be extremely hard for you, but this should be quick and then I'll be out of your life for good."

That's it? Is that it, he's giving up on the fight? I thought he would have been a bit more, I don't know.

He came over to me, rested his soft hand on my cheek and pulled me closer to him. His gentle touch was calming and I felt protected by him.

Wow, I didn't think Elliot would be this determined to help me?

He leaned in and I closed my eyes.

His smooth lips brushed up against mine and at that moment I began to feel different, a change was occurring throughout my entire body.

My body isn't burning like last time, this time the feeling was almost like a fuzzy, warm feeling.

He kept kissing me and watched in amazement as wings appeared on my back. I felt them grow, it was painful at first, but then I felt relief.

Yet, something was off about all of this, Elliot kept kissing me, harder and harder, and even though I felt fairy magic running through my veins, the deed was done. He could stop now.

Hold on, this doesn't feel right. This can't be Elliot, could it be. He seemed so dark.

The sensational feeling stopped. It was dark and toxic all of a sudden, and I knew something didn't add up; I turned into a fairy, but Elliot wasn't himself.

He grinned and licked his lips.

Wait, Elliot never licked his lips like that, I only know one person who does, wait, no it can't be...

A dark cloud swooped over him and right in front of my eyes, I saw Elliot transform into Shayde.


Shayde smiled, he knew right there and then, that he had me wrapped around his fingers.

"Oh Crystal, don't act so surprised. I had taken some residue off the scarf from your leg that matched Elliot's DNA and used it to help me transform, with the help of a potion the doc created. At first, I thought I wasn't going to have my brother's fairy powers, but it was just enough, and it worked splendidly." Shayde said.

It was a setup.