More Then One Way To Skin A Cat

"You are more likely to make a pig fly," Senna laughed.

"Or build a ship to get to one of the moons. How do you think we could even do that?!" Eliza asked.

"You store them in your womb for nine months like golden eggs, and then you push them out of your vagina," I said and then almost died laughing at the girls' reactions.

"You're joking, right? HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHOULDER SPAN OF A BABY?! You want me to push that out of the hole I won't put more than two fingers in?!" Senna asked, becoming almost frantic.

"No, No, No! That's not right! Why would any woman, even with the sickest twisted and depraved mind, ever do that?! That sounds like torture!" Eliza said as she started to tremble in my arms.

Oh… Well, this is a bit more of a reaction than I had assumed. Maybe I should figure out how to make condoms… Sheepskin or something, right?

Intestines? Oh lord, this is so funny, but at the same time, hmmm.

"I mean, you get weird cravings and… Wait! Do you have periods?" I asked, and Senna raised an eyebrow.

"At the end of sentences?" Senna asked, and I started to howl with laughter before calming back down.

"No, I mean, do you have a menstrual cycle? Do you bleed from your crouch once a month?" I asked, and Eliza turned to look up at me in horror.

"What kind of women are you hanging around with?! All these things sound beastly and unthinkable!" Eliza exclaimed.

"So you don't get cramps?" I asked, and Senna laughed.

"When I forget to go running for a few days and try to go hard with the other girls, I get them," Senna laughed, and I laughed with her.



A world that only women know; they don't give birth and never get shark week. All honesty, it was like a world filled with titted men with reversed dicks, from what I could tell.

Pretty fucking amazing; not going to lie one bit about it. If I didn't have to worry about making babies, oh boy, watch out, world!

"Why do you have that mischievous look with a sinister smile on your face? It is not a good look for you and kind of makes you look creepy," Senna said to me bluntly, but I just ignored her comment.

"Nothing will stop me from enjoying this moment that was almost snatched away from me minutes ago. As a woman who has never had a child nor bled from between your legs once every thirty or so days, you just can't understand its gravity. The info I have is from another world, it seems, so a lot of it won't help me here, but there is just as much that will," I explained to the girls, then asked, "How far till we are at Northwall?"

"One hour at this pace," Senna said absentmindedly, seeming to be thinking about what I said.

"Let's switch topics. Why is Northwall called that if it's in the southern part of the country?" I asked, and Senna snapped out of her thoughts.

"That is because there are no other walls past there. There is one more wall to the south, and it is the last thing that separates us from the undead, along with a special barrier," Senna explained, and I brightened up.

"Undead? Tell me more! I am very interested in that!" I said with renewed excitement, and Senna gave me a strange look and then shrugged.

"You look like the type that is thirsty for battle, so you might be able to help. There had been a Lich Queen ruling over there, but recently there have been undead slipping out. Lich Queen Morgana is responsible for the barrier that keeps her land separate from ours as part of our treaty. When we die and our souls ascend, she watches over the corpses," Senna explained, and I nodded, but this was kind of confusing.

Anywhere else would see this as sacrilege, but they seem fine to let soulless bodies wander around. There had to be more to this story.

"What is the point? Why not just barrier them and be done?" I asked, but Senna shook her head.

"They will rise out of the ground and attack anyone. Killing them is no good; they just regenerate unless you use light Magic on them," Senna explained, but that was the second time I had heard a reference to Magic, so I wanted to ask about it.

"How many types of magic are there?" I asked.

"Six. Light, Dark, Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water, but you have to have a lot of money to be able to learn to use it," Senna explained, and I nodded.

"Do you know any incantations? Or how do you invoke Magic here?" I asked, but Senna shook her head.

"I do, but I don't know how to make it work," Eliza said, speaking up, and I looked down at her with amazement.

"Really? If you tell me, we might be able to figure it out together," I said, and Eliza nodded.

Senna watched the two of us with a smile as Eliza showed me the three runes for a spell called Fireball. My eyes watched her fingers trace Magical Runes in the air that I recognized.

"Very good, but there is more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak," I said, holding one palm up in the air, closing my eyes, and opening myself to the Magic in the air that gathered my hand.

This feeling was familiar, but only knowing that Magic existed brought this knowledge forward. It was like no matter what type of Magic I would have found, I would have known how to use it, but this one seemed very familiar.

"Firaga Vox Cometus!" I called out, and a massive fireball over thirty feet wide appeared above me and then shot into the air.
