Your Life Is Mine

"Just because everyone does something doesn't make it right. If jumping off a bridge was something everyone was doing, would you also do that? Or might you question why they are doing it and try to find a better way to get to the river?" I asked, and both women went quiet, and I sighed, lifting my arms and gathering Pure Magic.

I could complain till the cows came home, but that would get this shop cleaned, so I started to grab things with magic. The parts in the shop started to glow white and slowly lifted into the air as I took stock of the shop and its storage.

Parts started to fly around to places that I directed, and slowly I was able to walk forward. Cogs, gears, tubes, and other parts flew around in what seemed to be a storm of parts, but they settled into places.

Once the parts were all in place, I collected all the garbage into the center. Then I converted some Pure Magic into Fire, burning it all in a puff of smoke.