Betrayal At The Highest Level, Tessera

"Nope. You don't get to walk away from your job, you work till we are done, and then you get paid. Then you can go. I get that I am asking a lot, but you didn't seem to hear me the first two times I told you to set an example. So I am no longer asking you, so smarten up," I growled, and Breya stopped.

Breya stopped, looked at me, and sighed, but she looked lost.

"Alright, supper is almost ready. Eliza, can you take the girls to go wash up?" I asked. "I will meet you in the backyard after I am done here."

Eliza nodded without saying anything and collected the girls. I noticed that Claire had a worried look on her face as she passed by, looking at Breya.

Once everyone was gone, I turned to Breya, who now looked embarrassed.

"I am really sorry, Galio. I know what I did was wrong," Breya said, and I nodded.

"I know you are, and you aren't going to do something like that again, right?" I asked, and she nodded.