Wondered If I Could Fuck It

This was the main reason why these women shouldn't be packed on the road. There was no reason for any of them to be here, and now I was going to have to piss a lot of them off.

I started to gather magic, got lower to the ground, and held my thumb to Senna.

"Can you cut me? I need some blood so I can transmute somewhere to stand!" I shouted, and Senna pulled out a dagger, poking my finger with no hesitation.

This was hard, but I was able to write a fast spell circle on my first pass, and then the second pass was to drip the blood. I was able to get some on the ground, but I could hear the women already complaining about getting blood on themselves. Not one of them looked up to see where it came from!

A thin rock pole about five inches in diameter shot up from the ground, and all the women near it jumped back. The pole rose twenty feet, and I lightly touched down on it, cheating with magic to balance myself to make it look easy.