Lesser Problems

After I had helped a few girls, I stood back and watched Rexa from a distance, with Senna standing at my side. Rexa moved gracefully and didn't use any extra energy with her motions. Everything the Automaton did seemed calculated with purpose.

"How long are you going to stand around staring at the woman? I came to help, not to do everything," Tallia growled as she walked over to me.

"How do you have so much Positive Energy with such a shitty attitude?" I asked, giving Tallia a sideways look.

"Perks of being a Goddess, now get over to the theater and help the ones over there. I am sure you can help those ones more easily, and the robot is here to help me. I will be fine to finish the next floor, but that is all I am doing. I feel like I have been chasing you around all day!" Tallia growled.