Mother Daughter Problems

"Don't test me, woman. I will steal this creature from you! I am more of a woman than you will ever be!" Elfinia snapped, but Goldy started to giggle.

"You girls are hilarious! Can I go with her so I can watch?!" Goldy asked, and Tallia nodded.

"It would be best for you to get to know Galio. You will have to be connected with him because he might need your strength," Tallia explained, and Goldy nodded.

"Yeah, I heard about your kiss with her! How was it?" Goldy asked, but Tallia shrugged.

"I can't honestly remember. Things happened so fast, but now I feel like there is a gap in my memories of what happened," Tallia explained as she tried to recall what had actually happened, but there was a wall stopping her inside her mind.

"That is interesting! Maybe you should be trying to spend some more time with him?" Goldy asked, but Tallia shook her head.