What Came First?

"What comes out of a golden egg then?" I asked in confusion.

"A newly born woman… What did you think came out? A chicken? We are not like animals," Cindy asked in a curious voice.

"Nevermind that. You come out just as you are now?" I asked skeptically. "I have seen the eggs. You can not tell me a fully grown angel, wings, and all can fit in there!"

"The eggs get much bigger, you know this, right? Just how much do you actually know about birth and the mating rituals? You are new to this world, so I would assume that you are filled with misgivings," Cindy explained, and that couldn't be more true.

"This is the truth of things. What I know greatly differs from what you are saying, so why don't you give me a quick run-through?" I asked as Cindy worked on the back of my hair.