Mother Daughter Partner Breakdown

Eliza remained calm like she had just spoken the most normal thing, and it possibly was, but not in this melon it wasn't.

"Wait, so let me get this straight!" I said, taking a deep breath.

"Was the water bad? Should I ask Kylie to get us both some new glasses?" Eliza asked. "I really don't want to spit mine all over the floor."

"The water is not the problem! So you're telling me that you do the mating ritual, get an egg, and then do it all over again with your daughter?!" I asked with what I was sure was a crazy look in my eyes from the way that Eliza shrank back.

"I mean, not everyone does that, but they usually make the best partners. I guess where you are from, they don't do things that way?" Eliza asked hesitantly, and I shook my head.