Recognizing Strengths

"Why do some of them look so angry? Are they mad at me?" Skylar asked as she moved in closer to me, almost stepping on my feet and making it hard to walk myself.

"No, they are angry with me. They all thought that it would take you much longer than it did. I am also sure that Senna is going to say that I cheated because Leo was the one that actually caught you," I explained as we walked awkwardly. I didn't want to tell her to move away, thinking that Skylar might take the suggestion to the extreme.

"Oh, well, I am sorry that you caught me so fast, and now everyone is mad at you," Skylar said in a small voice, but I reached over and patted her blue hair.

I wanted to feel the curling ringlets, but she had them in pigtails that ran down the front of her chest. I would have to wait to get that close, but her hair was remarkably soft, almost like silk.