At the Gates Of Yaggisdral

"This is just more of a reason why I have to do this. Father will create a new son in my stead, I am sure of it," I said, pulling back from Virgo's warm embrace that I did truly enjoy.

"I know that you do not think highly of Kaedon, but he thinks very highly of you. Do not dismiss his love just because you are angry and confused. This choice that you are about to make, and I know that you will, might not be what you think it is. Fate is not something any of us can run from, Ophiuchus. It will find you, and it will take what it is owed. Think about this before you take your final steps," Virgo said and gestured, making a portal appear that she walked through, closing behind her.

That left me standing alone on an island that I had once called my home. That was before I truly understood what the word meant to me. The home wasn't one place, it was a feeling, and I didn't understand that until I had met Tallia.