Son Of A Bitch!

Listenia and I played in bed for a good while longer, and when we were done, the two of us cuddled up. Sleep came fast for her before me, but my mind was back on that damn bird.

I wasn't sure why, but it was bugging me. It was clearly not a bird, but what then? A human shaman? Or a shaman of any race? And why was it still bugging me!

I pulled myself from Listenia, but it was nearly a fight to get my tail free from her grip, and I lost some hair in the process. Once I was free, I got up and walked over to the single window in the room.

"You son of a bitch!" I whispered harshly as I stared at the eagle that was staring back at me on the roof across the street.

I glared at the bird and tried to figure out what to do. No wonder that damn thing was bothering me! I was practically staring at myself!

Just how long had that damn bird been there? Had it been watching us? I made expectations for Sage, but I did not approve of spying on me while in the act.