Blue Bells, and Beautiful Landscape

Suddenly, the waterspout started to calm down, and the wind died down. The Mana that was being pulled from me also stopped, and I could feel the waterspout shrinking. After a few seconds, it had shrunk down to its original size, and Mishal opened her eyes.

"Lagoona, I summon thee," Mishal said, and the waterspout shot up again.

This time, though, I could see a figure forming inside of it. The figure was that of a woman, and she had long flowing hair. She also had a fish tail instead of legs, and she was holding a trident.

"Mishal, why have you summoned me?" the figure asked, and Mishal bowed her head.

"I need your help, Lagoona. I need transportation for Galio and me to Bramma. Will you carry us through the winds?" Mishal asked as the beautiful woman walked over to us, and Mishal stood up.

"So this is the creature that everyone and creature are talking about? A cat?" Lagoona asked, giving me a narrowed-eyed look.